The Sprawl Mag

The Sprawl Mag

The Sprawl Mag



Editor: Mahaila Smith and Libby Graha
Email address:

About The Publication:

100% freelance. “The Sprawl Mag is a (cyber-)feminist, anti-colonial speculative fiction, poetry, and visual art magazine focused on publishing perspectives that have historically been left out of canonical sci-fi and fantasy.” Welcomes new writers. Biannual. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within a few months of acceptance. Buys first serial rights. No reprints. Responds within two months. Sample articles available online. Guidelines online.

Current Needs:

“Speculative short fiction, poetry, visual art, and creative nonfiction.” Pays $20 CAD/article up to 1500 words for short fiction, 1500 words for creative nonfiction, and 40 lines for poetry. Submit complete ms, along with author bio through Google Forms.

$20 CAD


“Visual art submissions may contain 1-4 pieces. Please include a short description for each of your pieces (50-100 words)”


“We are particularly interested in work that deals with anti-colonial, anti-capitalist and feminist messages. If you have speculative writing or art related to these themes, we are interested in hearing from you.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes