NYT Sued Again, AND AGAIN!; Amazon Ships Dirty Diapers; Journalists in Danger; and Much MORE – …In The News – 01/16/2020
MORE: Government Spying on Journalists, Mayor calls Newspaper “Racist,” Reuters Once Funded by British Intelligence
MORE: Government Spying on Journalists, Mayor calls Newspaper “Racist,” Reuters Once Funded by British Intelligence
MORE: CNN settles with juvenile they harassed online; Employee fired after tweeting about bad holiday gift from employer, and Russia retracts more than 800 papers in “academic journals.”
Chef sues over rating he received in a book; Disgusting author exposed; Politician sues paper for big bucks; Is editorial bias the new norm?; Writer sues town over tax designation; CA law will leave countless writers destitute; and Journalist sues magazine for $25M.
MORE: Amazon putting the squeeze on other industries, not just authors and publishers!; Publisher might go out of business after entering into deal with discount retailer; Publisher in Egypt going to jail after divulging military secrets; Publisher accuses author of grooming here when she was only 14; Publishers scrambling as new CA labor law looms.
MORE: Government to get royalties from Ed Snowden’s memoir; Alaska newspaper for sale – price $0.00; Chizine Publications under fire for unpaid royalties and other disturbing allegations; China used major U.S. newspapers to publish propaganda and news; Complaints about Month9 Books and Black Rose Writing; Amazon says sellers can no longer use Fedex; and 10 year sentence for publisher in China
MORE: Predatory publishers publishing garbage; Atlanta newspaper sues Clint Eastwood & Warner Bros; $15M (alleged) fake news lawsuit
Star Trek Writer Dies; Man sued by club for defamation; and Tariffs aren’t affecting ALL books
Amazon Injuries Double National Average (and, in some facilities, even higher!); Anti-Amazon Coalition; One Amazon Worker Dead; Amazon Delivery Drivers Who Didn’t Pass Background Checks Have Access to Residential Access Codes? …. And Much More
Gay Journalists Flee Saudi Arabia; Mary Poppins’ Author House For Sale; Charles Barkley Tells Female Reporter, “I’d Hit You…”
Blogger gets sued for exposing police corruption; Chicago Tribune’s Spanish paper shut down; Broadcaster sued by Lt. Governor for defamation; Actress writer op-ed, doesn’t name names, still gets sued; and Can you libel a dead person?