Published on September 23, 2022
copyrights, legal, libel, self-publishing, Trademarks

Can you use real airline names in your work? It depends.
Published on September 16, 2022
book marketing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, write that book

Be sure to include a letter with each package. Creating a personal connection will sell far more copies.
Published on September 9, 2022
author, book marketing, bookstores, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

If your goal is to profit from selling your future books, you first need to know the most popular book selling genres.
Published on September 9, 2022
book marketing, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing

Consider the benefits of working with a publicist.
Published on September 2, 2022
complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, createspace complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing

Another one bites the dust…
Published on August 25, 2022
author, book marketing, book signing advice, bookstores, promoting your writing, self-publishing

Holding signings at special events, and speaking for local organizations, will sell a LOT more books!
Published on August 25, 2022
author, Censorship, legal, libel, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

They can’t sue me because it’s 100% true. That is a very common misconception among authors and the general public.
Published on August 19, 2022
book cover design, book marketing, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, traditional publishing

Even though your potential audience members can’t see inside the pages of your book, they will definitely judge its quality based on the cover!
Published on August 19, 2022
amazon, author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, createspace complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing

This guy! Sheesh… Some authors NEVER LEARN!!!
Published on August 12, 2022
amazon, book marketing, bookstores, diversify your writing income, editing, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

Too many new authors have been robbed by vanity presses who have charged naïve authors thousands of dollars. BookLocker’s fees are so low that some authors are skeptical. However, you should not be…