Published on February 3, 2023
amazon, author, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, self-publishing

If you think Amazon cares about your book you’re living in La La Land.
Published on February 3, 2023
amazon, author, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, self-publishing

Could YOU be next???
Published on January 19, 2023
author, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, self-publishing

Thinking about using Friesen Press / to publish your book? You might want to read these detailed complaints first!
Published on January 5, 2023
author, complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing

The confusingly common practice of virtual book inventory, or selling copies that don’t yet exist.
Published on December 29, 2022
author, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Networking, Paying Markets for Writers, self-publishing, writing career advice

From scathing complaints, to controversial topics, to genre-specific paying markets, to humor, and everything in between! You’ll LOVE this list!!
Published on December 23, 2022
amazon, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing

This is just another lesson on why authors and publishers should never put all their eggs in one basket…
Published on December 17, 2022
author, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Draft2Digital, Print on demand, self-publishing

Ouch!! Read what authors have said about Draft2Digital.
Published on December 12, 2022
amazon, author, author solutions, authorhouse, book marketing, bookbaby, bookstores, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, createspace complaints, iuniverse, lulu, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice, xlibris
Considering self-publishing? How many copies would you need to sell to earn back your investment? Compare these 17 popular POD publishers!
Published on December 8, 2022
article ideas, book marketing, diversify your writing income, promoting your writing, self-publishing, writing career advice

A bard’s life often proved to be a challenging life, as the bard experienced similar difficulties that authors face today: Making a living, building a reputation, dealing with difficult audiences, and finding time to improve their craft….
Published on December 8, 2022
amazon, author, book marketing, promoting your writing, self-publishing, traditional publishing

Read this to see what happens when an author stops promoting their book.