Paying Markets for Writers

Ride Texas Magazine

Ride Texas Magazine

“Since 1998 RIDE TEXAS has been the definitive guide on where to go and what to do for motorcycle travelers interested in Texas and surrounding state destinations. We ONLY accept stories from motorcycle riders with photographs. We generally do not use post-event stories. We do use pre-event stories. We are a travel magazine targeting active and affluent motorcycle riders.” Quarterly. Pays 30 days after publication. Publishes ms 90 days after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within 10 days. Guidelines available by email.

Pays $200-$300/feature article with photos, $75-$100/event preview, and $100-$200/other.


“Christian reader for adults. Favors true first-person testimonials. Also considers fiction, how-to and as-told-to. Stories must be from a Christian point of view and must have something the reader can readily identify with. We do not accept Bible-based fiction.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 15K. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. “We evaluate completed manuscripts. Response time varies but should be less than eight weeks.

Pays $0.10/word for first rights; $0.07/word for reprints; $35-$60 for first rights poems and $42 for reprinted poems.


“Founded in 1913 by the Redemptorists Liguorian conveys a consistent joyful message of God’s plentiful redemption. In its tone and selection of material, it communicates a timely pastoral message to Catholics on matters of the faith, practices, Christian living, and social justice. While not championing positions contrary to core Church belief, Liguorian exposes its readers to the best elements of Catholic spirituality and traditions to help them navigate the contemporary world assisted by their faith.” 25-30% freelance. Welcomes new writers.

Pays $0.14-$0.20/word for 1200-2000 words

INSPIRED 55+ Lifestyle Magazine

INSPIRED 55+ Lifestyle Magazine

“INSPIRED 55+ LIfestyle Magazine is a monthly publication that provides articles about people in BC Canada who are living life to its fullest. It also contains lifestyle articles that are positive and uplifting, relating to housing, health, travel, leisure, relationships, etc.”
Pays freelancers quarterly. Publishes ms within 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Sometimes accepts reprints depending on market and how recently the article ran. Responds in 1-2 weeks. Guidelines available by email.

Pays $30 and up/article depending on complexity, photos used, etc.

The Kenyon Review

The Kenyon Review

“The mission of the Kenyon Review is to identify exceptionally talented emerging writers, especially from diverse communities, and publish their work (fiction, poetry, essays, interviews, reviews, etc.) alongside the many distinguished, established writers featured in its pages. Kenyon Review is also committed to the advancement of literary writing through education, seeking to improve the skills of young people and adults through intensive, high quality workshops.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 6-18 months after acceptance. Buys first rights, asks authors to credit Kenyon Review as first publication with reprints in other publications. No reprints. Responds within 6 months.

Pays flat rate of $50 for Online book reviews; $0.08 per published word for prose ($80-$450); $0.16 per published word for poetry ($40-$200).

E-Bike Enthusiast

E-Bike Enthusiast

“E-Bike Enthusiast is a start-up online magazine that covers the gamut of subjects important to e-bike riders: choosing a bike, caring for a bike, safety and legislative issues, fun biking destinations, and more. We are seeking freelance writers interesting in building an ongoing relationship. If you are into biking, have experience with electric bikes, and have experience writing for publication, we want to hear from you!” Pays on acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one week.

Pays $40/Article

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