Paying Markets for Writers

Susquehanna Life Magazine

Susquehanna Life Magazine

“Susquehanna Life is a quarterly, four-color, glossy feature-oriented publication with an active, upscale audience evenly divided between males and females ages 38+. Articles take a unique and positive look at a variety of aspects of life in Central Pennsylvania and provide readers with information about places to go, things to do and history. We strive to provide information that is unique and unusual. The most frequent compliment we receive from readers: ‘I’ve lived here all my life and I never knew that until I read it in Susquehanna Life magazine.’” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Buys all rights. No reprints. Pays within 2 weeks of publication.

Payment $75-$150 for full-length articles of approx. 850 words

Film Daily

Film Daily

“Who we are: Always now, forever independent. Film Daily is an online platform connecting audiences with indie filmmakers via news, views, and reviews.” Does not accept reprints. Guidelines by email.

Pays $50-$250.

The Archive

“The Archive is a history site devoted to uncovering untold historical stories. From features on extraordinary individuals to pop culture listicles, we seek to change the way readers engage with history.” Pays within 60 days of acceptance. No reprints. Responds within two days.



“Artzine is an art platform that started as an art gallery and has expanded to include an online magazine specializing in art & culture. Our editorial, The Zine, is an ecosystem that supports and nourishes the arts through giving a voice to creators, and providing a space for creativity to flow in all directions. We are interested in relevant art news told with a twist; groundbreaking, unique art events with a background story, and any interesting content related to the arts world that we feel excited to read about.” Pays on publication. Buys first rights. No reprints. Responds in seven business days.

Pays €100 per 1000-word article.

Bear Deluxe Magazine

Bear Deluxe Magazine

“The Bear Deluxe Magazine is a semiannual publication looking at place-based themes through a magazine format of journalism, creative nonfiction, essays, interviews, poetry, fiction and reviews.” Welcomes new writers. 50% freelance. Biannually. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within three months of acceptance. Buys first rights and online rights for one year. Accepts some reprints. Responds within three months.

Pays $0.15/word. Or $75-$400 for fiction and nonfiction, $40 per poem.” Submit query by mail.

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