If you have some practical advice for aspiring homesteaders, you can write articles for some of magazines in this list. They accept articles about homesteading, raising animals, frugal living, farming, agriculture, natural health, plant conservation, etc. They usually want how-to articles, actual experience, practical information, and complete step-by-step instructions.
Morning Chores (https://morningchores.com/write-for-us/) is a website about homesteading, gardening and raising animals. They always welcome new contributors who have “experience in gardening, frugal living, off-grid alternatives, woodworking, self-sufficient “. They are looking for stories about how to raise healthy livestock, beekeeping, in depth guidance for frugal living, and how to grow a thriving garden, farming, prepping, food preservation and recipes. Articles range from 1,000 to 2,000 words. They pay $50 per articles.
Backwoods Home (http://www.backwoodshome.com/docs/writerguidelines.html) is a quarterly magazine. They focus on topics such as: gardening, alternative energy, growing vegetables, food preservation, recipes, raising animals and self-sufficiency. They are looking for actual experience, practical information on a wide range of self-reliance topics and complete step-by-step instructions. Backwoods Home’s focus is showing people how to build their own home and how to grow their own food produce. Payment ranges from $40 to $200. They pays upon acceptance.
Mother Earth News (http://www.motherearthliving.com/mother-earth-living-freelance-writer-guidelines ) is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to promote more self- sufficient lifestyle and green living. They cover sustainable homesteading, organic gardening, natural health, green transportation, and renewable energy. They are looking for articles for “Country Lore” department, which presents “how to” tips of 100 to 300 words. They also sometimes accept feature articles from freelance writers. Mother Earth News pays $25 to $100 per article.
Modern Farmer (https://modernfarmer.com/submissions/) is an online magazine that cover all aspects of farming. The magazine “aims to tell compelling stories for an audience of people who care about where their food comes from.” They accept articles about food system, agriculture, climate, food insecurity and sustainability. Modern Farmer accept articles on a rolling basis. They pay from $350 to $750 per article.
The American Gardener (http://ahsgardening.org/gardening-resources/gardening-publications/the-american-gardener/writers-guidelines) is a bimonthly magazine. The magazine is mostly written by freelancers. They accept articles about inovative approaches to garden design, plant conservation, biodiversity, plant research and gardening techniques. Feature articles range fronm 1,500 to 2,500 words in length, and departments runs 600 to 1,000 words. Payment for feature articles varies from $300 to $600, and payment for departments varies from $150 to $200.
Insteading (https://insteading.com/write-for-us/) is a website about homesteading, gardening, beekeeping, raising animals and sustainable living. Insteading was founded to help aspiring and expert homesteaders learn and grow, and they help thousands of gardeners and homesteaders grow their garden. They are focused on building a community of people trying to make more sustainable living. Insteading accept articles range from 1,000 to 2,000 words. They pay $50.
Biljana Tadic is a freelance writer. She is interested in history and writing about historical, social and political issues.
We are always seeking new and informative articles at WritersWeekly. We pay $60 for around 600 words. If you would like to submit an article, please see our guidelines first RIGHT HERE.
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