Star Trek Writer Dead at 80
Star Trek writer and Hollywood trailblazer D.C. Fontana has died
“In addition to her work on Star Trek, Fontana wrote episodes of Babylon 5, Bonanza, Dallas, Kung Fu, The Six Million Dollar Man, and many more classic TV series. She was also a member of the board of directors for the Writers Guild of America…”
Aaaaaand the Word of the Year IS……..
Dictionary.com chooses `existential’ as word of the year
“’In our data, it speaks to this sense of grappling with our survival, both literally and figuratively, that defined so much of the discourse,’ said John Kelly, senior research editor for the site, ahead of Monday’s announcement.”
Another Former Amazon Employee Speaks Out
Amazon Warehouses are ‘Cult-like’ Sweatshops Run by Robots: Ex-Employee
“I soon learned that (the) only difference between an Amazon warehouse and a third-world sweatshop were the robots. At Amazon, you were surrounded by bots, and they were treated better than the humans.”
Tariffs on Books
Publishers Continue the Battle Against Book Tariffs
“Children’s publishers have already made it clear that, for their picture books, Chinese manufacturers are by far the most efficient—and in some cases the only—printing option. Publishers of Bibles and other religious books made a similar case; those books are not subject to the current tariff, nor will they be hit with the December 15 tariff.”
Trayvon Martin Family and Publisher Sued for $100 Million
George Zimmerman files $100M lawsuit against Trayvon Martin’s family for defamation
“HarperCollins Publishers LLC was also named as a defendant for publishing Crump’s book in October 2019 with defamatory claims against Zimmerman, according to the lawsuit.”
He Claims Not to Remember Going To Strip Clubs and Getting Lap Dances!!
NYC Strip Clubs sue man for Defamation After Claims he was Drugged, Fleeced
“The truth seems to be that Mr. White had a fun night and several weeks later had ‘buyer’s remorse.’ Or maybe he saw the movie Hustlers and is seeking his 15 minutes of fame.”

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