
Simon & Schuster receives criminal subpoena; Hosting a “fake” event to disrupt police is not “free speech”; Goodreads “sucks”; and MUCH MORE! – In The News – 09/17/20

Simon & Schuster receives criminal subpoena; Hosting a “fake” event to disrupt police is not “free speech”; Goodreads “sucks”; and MUCH MORE! – In The News – 09/17/20

Miami Herald distributed racist insert for a year; Egyptian journalist arrested for “fake news”; CEO of Macmillan quits; Amazon’s new “luxury stores” are invitation only (yawn); And, you can’t post reviews on Amazon unless you spend a certain amount of $$ there.

Banned books ALWAYS sell the best! … In The News – 09/10/20

Banned books ALWAYS sell the best! … In The News – 09/10/20

Publisher sues Lindsay Lohan; Journalist jailed for covering trial about homeschooling; B&N wins lawsuit because “press release was not substantially true;” Amazon deletes 20K product ratings over fake reviews; Christmas book sales expected to be WAY UP!; Pakistani Christian sentenced to death for ‘blasphemous texts’

This MUST be removed from Amazon!; Author admits she’s not really black; Big Brother Bezos watching employees and contractors; Protesters pretending to be press; and MUCH more! – … In the News 09/03/2020

This MUST be removed from Amazon!; Author admits she’s not really black; Big Brother Bezos watching employees and contractors; Protesters pretending to be press; and MUCH more! – … In the News 09/03/2020

THIS product on Amazon MUST be outlawed!; Publisher sued for “poor-quality work”; BuzzFeed loses lawsuit after removing copyright info from photographer’s image; Court says Sarah Palin can sue the NYT; Political groups funding “media outlets”; Scammers impersonating major publishing houses

Free Fertilizer? Amazon driver poops in customer’s garden; Why some bookstores are failing while others are thriving during the pandemic – and much more! …In the News 08/06/20

Free Fertilizer? Amazon driver poops in customer’s garden; Why some bookstores are failing while others are thriving during the pandemic – and much more! …In the News 08/06/20

Politician’s lawsuit dismissed after judge rules article was opinion; Amazon offerse rare response to criticism over employee safety; Sarasota bookstore fighting to survive while Copper Dog Books is expanding; A third of Amazon’s e-commerce revenues are from third party sellers.

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