Copyright Infringement or Plagiarism…or BOTH?

Entire sections of the book contained information taken from websites but no websites or writers were given credit. So, is this copyright infringement or plagiarism? In this case…
Entire sections of the book contained information taken from websites but no websites or writers were given credit. So, is this copyright infringement or plagiarism? In this case…
MORE: High-profile journalists starting own brands; Lawsuit over YouTube diary entry; Apple sued over use of diverse emojis
Miami Herald distributed racist insert for a year; Egyptian journalist arrested for “fake news”; CEO of Macmillan quits; Amazon’s new “luxury stores” are invitation only (yawn); And, you can’t post reviews on Amazon unless you spend a certain amount of $$ there.
Publisher sues Lindsay Lohan; Journalist jailed for covering trial about homeschooling; B&N wins lawsuit because “press release was not substantially true;” Amazon deletes 20K product ratings over fake reviews; Christmas book sales expected to be WAY UP!; Pakistani Christian sentenced to death for ‘blasphemous texts’
THIS product on Amazon MUST be outlawed!; Publisher sued for “poor-quality work”; BuzzFeed loses lawsuit after removing copyright info from photographer’s image; Court says Sarah Palin can sue the NYT; Political groups funding “media outlets”; Scammers impersonating major publishing houses
“I would want 20-30 copies for personal use and distribution but I do not want to make it available for sale to the general public. I use real examples from my career and real names…”
Publishing Leaders Warn about Amazon’s Power; Chinese Publishing Struggling; Media Advertising Battles; Social Media Libel Protections; Company Launches Celebrity Book Clubs;
After undercutting them, Amazon to teach third party sellers how to “succeed”; Amazon drivers laid off even as that business grows; Newspaper offices permanently switching to “work from home”
Politician’s lawsuit dismissed after judge rules article was opinion; Amazon offerse rare response to criticism over employee safety; Sarasota bookstore fighting to survive while Copper Dog Books is expanding; A third of Amazon’s e-commerce revenues are from third party sellers.
Dog Ear Publishing author lost his publisher AND the website HE paid for!