Published on January 21, 2021
amazon, legal, libel

Amazon selling products promoting violence against certain groups; Woman gets 43-year prison sentence for insulting king; Rioters targeting journalists??; and the man who kept C.S. Lewis’s legacy alive.
Published on January 14, 2021
amazon, Censorship, legal

Imprisoned for writing about Covid; Those who participate in riots are not journalists; Forbes op-ed tells companies not to hire those who used to work for Trump; and PBS lawyer fired after several inflammatory videos surface
Published on January 7, 2021
legal, libel

NYT accused of publishing communist China propaganda; US newsrooms continue to bleed journalists; Court fight over media access to cour cases; Twitter sued by computer repair shop owner; Woman find herself the object of elaborate fictional narrative/video posted online; and Court says libelous statements can’t be hidden from public
Published on December 23, 2020
amazon, copyrights, legal

Bad media moments of 2020, Best media corrections of 2020, Amazon continues to steamroll rivals and partners; NYT tricked; WA Post to add 150 jobs in 2021; Is it news…or propaganda?; and Covid bill contains piracy provision
Published on December 17, 2020
copyrights, legal, writing career advice

“I have not seen anything in writing about who owns the rights to the manuscript…”
Published on December 17, 2020
amazon, copyrights, legal

Russian Media are FINALLY Going After Putin; Book Sales are Resilient in a Pandemic; Record Number of Journalists Imprisoned in 2020; Publisher Admits He Has “Little Ground” for a Lawsuit
Published on November 25, 2020
amazon, author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, legal, writing scams

Amazon censors another book…and then changes its mind; Big 5 publishers become 4 as Penguin buys Simon & Schuster; More censorship by Amazon; Can AI distinguish between conspiracy throery and truth?; Amazon gives new workers bonuses and old workers turkey vouchsters; The Los Angeles Times and Tribune Publishing pay $3M settlement after paying white males more than other journalists; Hilton Head magazine company ordered to pay to printer
Published on November 25, 2020
author, copyrights, legal, writing career advice

What is a literary trustee and where can I find one?
Published on November 19, 2020
copyrights, harvey randall, legal, writing career advice

The absence of substantial similarity proved fatal to Author’s copyright violation claims.
Published on November 19, 2020
copyrights, legal, libel

Didn’t Watch the Movie – Waiting on the Book!; Will Simon and Schuster be Bought?; New Demand for Storytelling Podcasts; Did a News Article Drive Cryptocurrency Value Down??