Simon & Schuster receives criminal subpoena
Justice Department Begins Criminal Probe Over Bolton Book
“A federal grand jury has issued criminal subpoenas to a publishing company and a literary agency…”
Ignorance is NO EXCUSE!
Miami Herald slammed for running ‘racist and anti-Semitic’ insert in paper
“The Spanish-language version of the Miami Herald is under fire for publishing an ‘inflammatory, racist and anti-Semitic’ insert in its paper — with editors admitting they had no idea the ‘incredibly offensive’ column had been running all year.”
Moron Alert!
Fake antifa event creator says Lafayette city-parish lawsuit violates his free speech
“The Lafayette city-parish lawsuit argues John Merrifield, who describes himself as a comedian and satirist who was born in Lafayette and now living in Brooklyn, posted Facebook events that triggered local police response and he should pay for that.”
Egypt using COVID, “fake news” as an excuse to round up reporters?
Egypt journalist arrested over coverage of detainee’s death
“It’s a miserable situation to the point where doing journalistic work is more like committing a crime…”
“Goodreads sucks, and is just shy of unbearable”
Why Goodreads is bad for books
“After years of complaints from users, Goodreads’ reign over the world of book talk might be coming to an end.”
CEO of Macmillan quits
Sargent Leaving Macmillan
“In making the announcement, Holtzbrinck said Sargent’s departure is due to ‘disagreements regarding the direction of Macmillan.'”
Making people want what they think they can’t have. Classic marketing ploy.
At Amazon’s new ‘Luxury Stores,’ you can’t buy anything unless you’re invited
“You can shop only if you’re invited, and while you can request an invitation, there’s already a wait list.”
It doesn’t matter if they actually bought the book from Amazon…
Two Reasons Why Some of Your Readers are NOT Allowed to Post Reviews on Amazon!
“They are people who simply haven’t given Amazon enough money yet!”

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Online book promotion is not only simple but, if you have a step-by-step, day-to-day marketing plan (this book!), it can also be a very artistic endeavor, which makes it fun for creative folks like you!
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