Published on February 26, 2021
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, legal
MORE: Facebook is changing; Amazon Top Executives Leaving; Google Angers French Media; and Amazon Sues to Stop Lawsuit
Published on February 19, 2021
amazon, legal
MORE: Bible Translation at All Time High; NYT Staffers Defend use of “N” Word?; After Demand from the Victim, Twitter Refused to Remove Videos of Child Sexual Abuse; Predatory Censorship in Universities; and Amazon Loses Mail-In Voting Battle
Published on January 29, 2021
amazon, Censorship, legal
“Free the Nipple” on Facebook; Beowulf “Too White?”; and McCarthyism on the Rise Again – In The News 01/29/2021
Published on January 28, 2021
author, copyrights, legal, self-publishing
“I realized later that maybe I was not supposed to do that. I tried for find the original artists to ask permission but…”
Published on January 22, 2021
author, copyrights, legal, libel, writing career advice
“I am in possession of a journal that was published in the 1940’s. Is something like this publishable?”
Published on January 21, 2021
amazon, legal, libel
Amazon selling products promoting violence against certain groups; Woman gets 43-year prison sentence for insulting king; Rioters targeting journalists??; and the man who kept C.S. Lewis’s legacy alive.
Published on January 14, 2021
amazon, Censorship, legal
Imprisoned for writing about Covid; Those who participate in riots are not journalists; Forbes op-ed tells companies not to hire those who used to work for Trump; and PBS lawyer fired after several inflammatory videos surface
Published on January 7, 2021
legal, libel
NYT accused of publishing communist China propaganda; US newsrooms continue to bleed journalists; Court fight over media access to cour cases; Twitter sued by computer repair shop owner; Woman find herself the object of elaborate fictional narrative/video posted online; and Court says libelous statements can’t be hidden from public
Published on December 23, 2020
amazon, copyrights, legal
Bad media moments of 2020, Best media corrections of 2020, Amazon continues to steamroll rivals and partners; NYT tricked; WA Post to add 150 jobs in 2021; Is it news…or propaganda?; and Covid bill contains piracy provision
Published on December 17, 2020
copyrights, legal, writing career advice
“I have not seen anything in writing about who owns the rights to the manuscript…”