NEW! 2025 Self-Publishing Price Comparison!!

Considering self-publishing this year? Check out this price comparison featuring 14 of the most well-known Print on Demand publishing service providers!
Considering self-publishing this year? Check out this price comparison featuring 14 of the most well-known Print on Demand publishing service providers!
Publishers who apparently bit the dust, presumably leaving their authors high and dry.
“My mom wrote 3 books, and published them through Tate Publishing and the royalties were to go to my children but…”
PLUS: The Oklahoma Attorney General’s files about Tate Publishing have “mysteriously” vanished in the past week! Why?!
I think the Tates will eventually go to prison. How in the world are the doing to keep up with 12.43 years of payments at $6K/month?!
It’s NOT too late to file your claim! But, you need to hurry!!
I sued my publisher (Tate Publishing) for 5 counts of breach of contract, including stealing all the royalties, and won. I just learned from a friend that she ordered my book on Amazon and got it…
Next Tate Publishing hearing scheduled for November 7, 2018 Hearing set for Tate Publishing embezzlement case “Former clients of the Mustang-based vanity press have continued to contact Attorney General Mike Hunter’s office with complaints since officials arrested Richard and Ryan Tate in May last year. The tally is now more than 2,100, spokeswoman Terri Watkins […]
Amazon kills CreateSpace, forces authors to KDP Print – and people are UPSET!; Tate Publishing owners – will they EVER go to trial?; TrueLine Publishing employees claims she was drugged at Christmas Party; and more juicy stories!
The Journal Record interviewed me last week, and published an update to the Tate Publishing saga today. In a nutshell, it states that the Oklahoma Attorney General: Is having a difficult time sifting through the authors’ files (some are empty or corrupt) Is having a difficult time contacting some of the authors What we found […]