Two Reasons Why Some of Your Readers are NOT Allowed to Post Reviews on Amazon!
As we all know, positive reviews mean better exposure on Amazon! However, did you know that some people aren’t allowed to leave reviews on Amazon?
As we all know, positive reviews mean better exposure on Amazon! However, did you know that some people aren’t allowed to leave reviews on Amazon?
What if your blog drove insane conversions for you while you’re sleeping?
“My book is on Barnes and Noble and Amazon but it cannot be found in a search…”
First, please know that, if a so-called “publicist” is soliciting business via telemarketing methods, THEY SUCK at what they do…
I found an article about the radio host they’re touting. He was convicted of two felony counts of theft. He stole his client’s advertising money…
Each time I send it back to my publisher, they find more problems, and send it back to me again. I don’t want to read it anymore!
Potential readers and clients trust REAL customer reviews more than marketing verbiage written by the person or company selling that product or service!
I haven’t had to apply for any benefits because, surprisingly enough, I’m making a bit too much money to qualify!
As promised two weeks ago, my new book, 55 Dos and Don’ts of Book Selling, has been published! And, current WritersWeekly subscribers get a copy for FREE – just for the asking!
“I plan to create a Facebook page to promote my novel, provide links where readers can purchase the book, offer updates, and chat with the author (me)…”