When Family Members Don’t Read Our Work…
Nobody in my family has read all of my books.
Nobody in my family has read all of my books.
Do you recommend waiting to release my book?
Seven simple mistakes authors make when trying to sell books online.
You might be ignoring one of the most effective book marketing methods there is, the traditional email newsletter.
If your goal is to profit from selling your future books, you first need to know the most popular book selling genres.
Authors of all sizes are jumping on board with video posts and video advertisements.
Holding signings at special events, and speaking for local organizations, will sell a LOT more books!
They can’t sue me because it’s 100% true. That is a very common misconception among authors and the general public.
I believed every word they said, and gratefully handed over my credit card. Over a year, and over $15,000.00 (yes, the decimal point is in the correct place), I found myself battling with this company…
I’ve learned to do a lot of things for myself. It’s not just about saving money, although that’s a big bonus. It’s more about the satisfaction I get from being as self-sufficient as I can be. But, that pride must be tempered with a humility that allows me to accept my limitations. There are some things that I simply don’t have enough knowledge or skill to accomplish…