Can Amazon Steal Authors’ Books, and Republish Them?
“If Amazon can blatantly rip off a vendor’s hard-line design, what’s to stop them from hijacking an author’s book?”
“If Amazon can blatantly rip off a vendor’s hard-line design, what’s to stop them from hijacking an author’s book?”
Government’s Wall of Silence on Border; HuffPo Employees Lose Jobs in Buyout; Fashion Designers Sue Fashion Bloggers over Defamation – And MORE!
“I’m Not a CAT!”; Racial Discrimination Lawsuit against Amazon; Christian Publisher Pulls Author’s Works After Sexual Misconduct; $10,000 to Complain about ATT Internet Service…and MORE!!
MORE: Facebook is changing; Amazon Top Executives Leaving; Google Angers French Media; and Amazon Sues to Stop Lawsuit
MORE: Bible Translation at All Time High; NYT Staffers Defend use of “N” Word?; After Demand from the Victim, Twitter Refused to Remove Videos of Child Sexual Abuse; Predatory Censorship in Universities; and Amazon Loses Mail-In Voting Battle
MORE: Selling “News” to Facebook; Putin Jails Reporters – Shocking!
“Free the Nipple” on Facebook; Beowulf “Too White?”; and McCarthyism on the Rise Again – In The News 01/29/2021
Amazon selling products promoting violence against certain groups; Woman gets 43-year prison sentence for insulting king; Rioters targeting journalists??; and the man who kept C.S. Lewis’s legacy alive.
While I won’t get into the politics of it all (Heaven knows we’re all drowning in that stuff right now), this all serves as an important reminder that what we buy electronically may not always belong to us…
Imprisoned for writing about Covid; Those who participate in riots are not journalists; Forbes op-ed tells companies not to hire those who used to work for Trump; and PBS lawyer fired after several inflammatory videos surface