Published on February 22, 2025
amazon, Censorship, Defamation, In The News, legal, libel

MORE: A new book describes how woke practices took down the King of Beers; Woman run over and dragged by Amazon van; Dept. of Education spending soared 749%!; Juror reveals CNN’s “vile behavior” that made it lose defamation case; Free speech might be coming back to the U.S.; and NBC Universal settles $30M defamation suit.
Published on February 10, 2025
amazon, author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing scams

You’re not going to BELIEVE the dots we’ve connected!!!
Published on February 1, 2025
amazon, Amazon's KDP Print Complaints, author solutions, authorhouse, bookbaby, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, createspace complaints, infinity publishing, iuniverse, lulu, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, tate, traditional publishing, writing career advice, xlibris

Considering self-publishing this year? Check out this price comparison featuring 14 of the most well-known Print on Demand publishing service providers!
Published on January 23, 2025
amazon, book marketing, Print on demand, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing

“I am at a loss as to how to promote the book other than seeking additional reviews…”
Published on November 17, 2024
amazon, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, legal, Print on demand, self-publishing

Then, the Draft2Digital versions of my books were removed from Amazon as well!
Published on October 12, 2024
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, Journalism, legal, libel

MORE: Noah Webster’s work still influences all of us today!; Victoria Strauss tackles fake literary agencies that are victimizing American authors; Montana universities stripped of federal funds – can you guess why?; Independent journalist jailed, accused of disclosing secrets during Iran attack on Israel; CBS News embroiled in controversies; Judge rules FTC can proceed with antitrust suit against Amazon; Six journal publishers sued for anti-trust accusations; Scientists sue publisher for retractions involving safety over alleged political stance; and Interview Magazine sued for copyright infringement.
Published on October 11, 2024
amazon, author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing scams

This is where you’ll see the very worst of humanity come out…
Published on September 28, 2024
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, Journalism, legal, Trademarks

MORE: When someone contacts you on social media pretending to be a fellow author…; Rock star gains fans while sharing Christian faith at concerts; Amazon sued AGAIN for trademark infringement; Parents as MD supreme Court to allow them to opt kids out of LGBT lessons; Ohio newspaper blames Trump himself for the attempts on his life; Amazon workers told to go back to the office; Miley Cyrus accused of copyright infringement; and the feds have been spying on your social media activities!
Published on September 12, 2024
amazon, Censorship, Journalism, legal, libel

MORE: Facebook is still deleting people and groups that they don’t like!; Mom sues for violation of free speech after she was detained for two hours, frisked, and fingerprinted for asking questions at a city council meeting; 100 free speech champions condemn Brazil for banning Twitter/X; NYU earns ‘abysmal’ score in annual free speech ranking; Johnson & Johnson sued for copyright infringement; Was British journalist murdered after being banned from entering Russia?; and Francis Ford Coppola Sues Variety, Executive Editors for $15 Million
Published on August 1, 2024
amazon, Censorship, Journalism, legal

MORE: Top elites hate the media, so they’re starting their own; China starts national Internet ID system; Media mogul’s book mysteriously pulled from Amazon; Former BBC anchor pleads guilty to horrific crimes against children; Government of Hungary controlling their media; WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich and hero Paul Whelan released from Russian prisons