New Letters
University House, University of Missouri – 5101 Rockhill Rd
Kansas City MO 64110
Phone: (816)235-1168
Fax: (816)235-2611
Website: https://www.newletters.org
Guidelines: https://www.newletters.org/writers-wanted/submissions
Editor: Christie Hodgen, Editor-In-Chief
Email address: newletters-at-umkc.edu
About The Publication:
“New Letters is an international quarterly magazine featuring fiction, essays, poetry, reviews, and interviews with writers and original art, published by the University of Missouri at Kansas City.” Welcomes new writers. 90% freelance. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-9 months after acceptance. Buys First NA rights. No reprints. Responds in 3-6 months.
Pays “$15 to $35 per poem; $35 book reviews; $65 to $200 short stories
Current Needs:
“Our only ongoing need is high-quality, literary writing in any genre.” Pays “$15 to $35 per poem; $35 book reviews; $65 to $200 short stories, Poetry: 3-6 poems per submission; Fiction: 3,000-5,000 word max; Essay: 3,000-5,000 word max.” Submit complete ms by mail with SASE.
Pays “$15 to $35 per poem; $35 book reviews; $65 to $200 short stories
“We prefer art be submitted in hardcopy via postal mail; however, we will look at digital portfolios. Queries can be sent via email. All art must be 300 dpi or greater and in .tiff file format, if accepted for publication.” Pays $10-$25/photo.
“The largest mistakes we see writers make is not approaching submitting their creative work with professionalism. This means several things: 1) Reading the journal they plan to submit to and making sure their writing is a good fit and 2) Writing a cover letter that is addressed to the correct editor and literary magazine, as well as including the following pertinent information – name, address, brief bio, and the genre and title of the work they are submitting. Additionally, we often receive manuscripts with typos and grammatical mistakes, which distract from the story, essay, or poems themselves and make it difficult to appreciate the content of the work. Our advice is to proofread and then proofread again.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes