Minor Injury Sustained in Tropical Storm Cristobal

Minor Injury Sustained in Tropical Storm Cristobal

We had several days of wind and high tides, and several inches of rain, but we escaped the outer bands of Tropical Storm Cristobal without a scratch. Well, actually, I did sustain a minor injury. I bruised the side of my foot while attempting to disembark “No Tan Lines.” Since the tide was so high, I had to sit on the toe rail of the boat, do the downward splits (wearing a short summer dress), and land on the very narrow finger dock steps…all the while trying not to fall backwards (which would have meant a head injury hitting the boat or dock on the way down), or fall forwards (which would have led to an embarrassing dunk in the marina water).

We are keeping a very wary eye on the weather. I have a very bad feeling about the 2020 hurricane season. What with the pandemic, riots, the funnel cloud, fires, earthquakes, the government admitting UFOs are real, and everything else going on, I’m just expecting one catastrophe after another from now on. I’m a control freak and I sleep better knowing I am over-prepared for something…anything…EVERYTHING!!!

We have written down our hurricane plan. It includes what we will pack, how many days in advance of expected landfall we will leave, and where we will drive. We’ll head north (duh), out of the state, and then wait until we have a better idea of where the storm will go. We’ll head west, north, or east, and position ourselves in a place that is the least likely to lose power and Internet services so we can continue working. We are nomads at heart so being “on the road” for an extended period of time won’t be a problem. It’ll be an ADVENTURE! (The kids HATE it when I say that.)

In other news, the protests in St. Petersburg have been peaceful for the past week. We got caught in traffic from the Tuesday one. Lots of people in vehicles were angry because the road was blocked. At least the air conditioner in my old 2006 Ford F-150 (with almost 200K miles) works.

My truck ain’t pretty but it never breaks down! I paid it off more than a decade ago and I’m going to keep driving it until it just gives up some day. I hope that won’t be for many years. If you take very good care of something, it will take very good care of you. 🙂


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/

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One Response to "Minor Injury Sustained in Tropical Storm Cristobal"

  1. Ethel Geary  June 12, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    Angela, I agree, better to be over prepared than under. Like you, I have all the plans laid out. Friends who live elsewhere have copies of important directives. Years ago I got caught in the mindset to be insured for any thing that might happen. Then I thought maybe I don’t need all this – sure could use the money elsewhere. Wait! A little superstitious, I thought maybe being prepared was the way to prevent. So I kept it all.. It saved me a bundle decades later when the weather destroyed my roof, the deer challenged my car head on, and I was caught in two city-wide fires, one flood, one earthquake. That doesn’t even include the various health insurance policies that covered the bought one son had with cancer.. As for being prepared to flee, I can set up camp anywhere with anything or stay right where I am without electric, running water etc. Sometimes there is no way to be prepared like when the tornado siren goes off, but you can’t win them all.