There is a system developing in the far southeast Gulf of Mexico right now. And, it’s not even hurricane season yet! Gosh, if my arteries weren’t already cleared out from the heart pumping anxiety of a pandemic, the start of hurricane season will sure do the trick!
Even if we didn’t have The Weather Channel, we’d have known something was brewing. And, it was!
Two nights ago, the wind started HOWLING. Out of nowhere. No storms approaching. Nothing at all. We adjusted the lines, and readjusted them as it got worse. Depending on the wind direction and speed, No Tan Lines (“Tanny”) can bob up and down, or heel over for awhile, or do what I call the “jerky-jerk thing.” The wind will push her one way and the gusts will make the lines tighten and loosen. She’ll pitch when the gusts come, and jerk back when it slows a bit. That fun ride is anything but gentle. And, it’s my least favorite way to ride out a gale. Oddly, however, I have no problem sleeping like a baby in those conditions.
None of us gets seasick, thank goodness. But, it can still be uncomfortable. You look like a drunken sailor walking through the salon. The toilet water sloshes underneath your bum. And, taking a shower inside this tilt-a-whirl ride can be downright dangerous. However, I figured out the key to safe showers in 30-knot winds! You simple plant one of your butt cheeks against one wall, and one of your feet against the opposite wall. If you can do that while still having your head under the shower nozzle, you’re all good!
We’ve had a hard gale out of the east for about 36 hours now. I’d get off the boat and take a walk if I could actually GET OFF the boat. The wind is blowing us away from the finger pier, and getting on and off the boat in these conditions can lead to a dip in the drink (and perhaps a head smashed on the dock or the side of the vessel). So, we are simply going to sit here, and ride it out. The system is supposed to wrap around Florida and then “develop” on the other side of the state. We’re very happy that it’s expected to drift off into the Atlantic ocean.
And, after that happens, we will be waiting with a wary “eye” (pun intended!) for the next one. I am SO HAPPY that we won’t be bored for the next several months! 😉
Extreme Excitement and Fear! How We Fared in Hurricane Irma!! (Includes several photos)
Here’s How We Fared in the Hurricane Last Week!
Tropical Storm Andrea – What a Surprise!!
How We Prepare The “Home Office For HURRICANES!
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/

Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
- Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
- Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography!
- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
Read more here:
HowMaster: The Writer's Guide to Beautiful Word Crafting

Author Linda M. Gigliotti draws from years of practice as a private
writing tutor in the guidebook that teaches writers how to format visceral
writing that pulls readers into their book. She explains with instruction
and samples of published works how to craft writing that come to life in the reader's mind.
HowMaster is a wise choice for the writer who wants to weave words around the reader’s heart.
Author Linda M. Gigliotti draws from years of practice as a private
writing tutor in the guidebook that teaches writers how to format visceral
writing that pulls readers into their book. She explains with instruction
and samples of published works how to craft writing that come to life in the reader's mind.
Read more here:
Pingback: Minor Injury Sustained in Tropical Storm Cristobal | WritersWeekly.com
Pingback: HOLD ON TO SOMETHING AND DON’T LET GO!” Funnel Cloud Brings Sudden Mayhem and We FREAKED OUT! (includes video) | WritersWeekly.com
Your “stay-at-home” experience is certainly not boring. The term: “stay home/stay safe” has a whole different meaning for the Hoy family.