How I Tricked Frank for His Birthday!

How I Tricked Frank for His Birthday!

Our Son, Frank, Got His White Coat!Our son, Frank, is in dental school. We don’t see much of him these days, what with his schedule AND the pandemic. However, I am seeing him today! His birthday is this weekend and he hinted that he wanted a guitar. Since Mason and I also play guitar, I was tickled pink.

After moaning about the cost of such a gift (they really aren’t THAT expensive), I asked him if we could have a nice lunch together instead. Maybe I’d get him a shirt or something. Ha ha ha.

He’s picking me up at noon today and we’re driving to a local restaurant. After that, I’m going to give him directions to Mad Music here in town where he’ll be able to pick out his very own guitar. I’ll also get him a bag, some picks, extra strings, etc. He’s going to LOVE IT!!! 🙂

The Lion King is one of his favorite movies so I also ordered him a guitar book of Disney songs that has chords for songs from that movie. And, I ordered him a guitar book of Christmas songs so we can play together during the holidays. Finally, I ordered him a beginner’s book that also teaches music theory since he is WAY too busy to take one-on-one guitar lessons right now. He’ll get the books on his actual birthday this weekend. He does have a bit of experience playing, but never took any lessons.

Frank is also a very talented singer. He was in choir throughout school and he’s AMAZING at karaoke! 😉

My “new used” guitar that I wrote about last week is still in the shop so I’m still borrowing a friend’s. Mason and I are currently learning how to play Spanish guitar songs, which are beautiful…and challenging!! Our finger picking skills are getting much better, and our fingertip callouses are getting much harder!


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One Response to "How I Tricked Frank for His Birthday!"

  1. Pamela Allegretto  August 13, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    What a great Mom your are. I’m sure Frank will be over the moon. What thoughtful gifts! CHeers to you!