If you have a lot of knowledge and information about hunting and fishing, or you are dedicated to it yourself, you can write for magazines that cover these topics. Many of them encourage writers to send them their articles about personal experience from hunting and fishing. You can also write about the technical characteristics of hunting and fishing equipment. If you are able to provide high-quality photos, you can make even more money from your articles.
Here are 10 publications that pay writers to write about hunting and fishing:
Fly Tyer is a quarterly magazine dedicated to fly-tying. They accept feature articles (about new tying materials and techniques, and new flies, etc.). Feature articles range from 2,000 to 2,500 words. Columns range from 1,200 to 2,000 words. They expect a query first, so don’t blindly send them a full manuscript. Payment depends on quality. Feature articles pay $450 and short features pay $200 to $400.
Northwest Fly Fishing Magazine is a bimonthly publication that focuses on fly-fishing in the Northwest. They accept feature articles (2,000 to 4,000 words), and short articles for departments (400 to 750 words). Feature articles can net you $300-$500 and while articles for departments earn $75-$200. Payment is made approximately 30 days after publication, and the pay rate varies with the length and completeness of the submission.
Canadian Outdoorsman Magazine is an online magazine about angling and hunting experience. They accept feature articles and columns about fishing, fly-fishing & tying, hunting dogs and shooting. Articles range from 1,500 to 2,000 words in length, columns are 700 words. The magazine pays $150 for a column article/photo package, which includes three photos, and $250 for a feature article package that includes at least six images. Payment is made within 30 days of the magazine is uploaded to its website.
Quality Whitetails is a deer hunting magazine that focuses on Quality Deer Management techniques, including food plots, habitat improvement, herd management, herd data collection, and other methods for improving the quality of hunting. They aim to provide practical information for experienced deer hunters as well as the basics for new hunters. They accept short informative articles (300-750 words), which focus on a single topic; features (up to 2,5000 words), and extended features (well researched, in-depth coverage of the topic, 2,000-3,000 words). They pay $0.20 per word for web articles, and $150-$450 for a feature. Payment is made upon publication. Writer guidelines are here: https://www.deerassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/2018-QW-Writers-Kit.pdf
South Carolina Wildlife Magazine accepts articles related to outdoor activities (hunting, fishing, camping, hiking), natural and scenic areas, the state’s heritage as related to the outdoors, natural history of particular game and non-game species. Articles range from 500 to 2,000 words in length. $0.20 per word is their going rate.
The National Wild Turkey Federation is a nonprofit conservation/education organization dedicated to the conservation of the North American wild turkey and the preservation of the hunting heritage. They publish two magazines, Turkey Country and JAKES Country JAKES COUNTRY is a bimonthly magazine for NWTF members — hunters, conservationists and everyone who cares about the outdoors lifestyle. It is an educational publication, dedicated to news and information of interest to young people. Their goal is to involve young people in preserving and transmitting the North American hunting tradition, to learn hunting tactics, tips for safe shooting and the character needed to be true outdoor sports fans. Turkey Country is dedicated to everything from features and field research to updates on the latest products tailored to the turkey hunting enthusiast and conservationist. Turkey Country articles focus on the biology, distribution, history and hunting of wild turkeys. Articles range from 1,000 to 1,200 words (features), and 500- 1,000 words (departments). They pay $350-$450 per article. They’re looking for articles range from 500-1,000 words (departments) and 1,000-1,200 (features). They pay $ 250-$300 per article.
Fly Fusion Magazine is Canada’s fly-fishing magazine. They are looking for instruction-based articles, that both entertain and educate. Feature articles should be approximately 3000-3500 words. The quality of photos included with the submission have a major impact in determining pay rate. They pay $250 for shorter pieces such as Fly Tiers Table, $400 for feature articles and $500 for photo essays.
The Contemporary Sportsman is a quarterly online magazine about fly-fishing and wing shooting. An average feature article contains 2,500 to 3,000 words. Feature articles should be supported with photos. Payment is made upon publication. They pay from $450 to $700 for feature articles, based on quality. There guidelines are HERE.
Traditional Bowhunter Magazine is dedicated to hunters who use a longbow, recurve bow or self bow to hunt wild game around the world. Traditional Bowhunter contains hunting stories, how-to’s and bowyer profiles. Their feature articles run 1500 to 3,000 words. Good photo support increases the chance of material being accepted. Payment for short features ranges from $150 to $250, and payment for features is $300 to $400, depending on length and quality.
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Biljana Tadic is a freelance writer. She is interested in history and writing about historical, social and political issues.