Turkey Call/JAKES Country

Turkey Call/JAKES Country

Turkey Call/JAKES Country
770 Augusta Road
Edgefield SC 29860

Phone: 803-637-7619
Website: https://www.nwtf.org/

Editor: Matt Stewart, Editor
Email address: turkeycountry@nwtf.net

About The Publication:

“Turkey Call is dedicated to the education and entertainment of members of the National Wild Turkey Federation, a nonprofit conservation organization committed to its mission of conserving the wild turkey population and preserving our hunting heritage. The lifestyle of the outdoorsman/woman is our focus, particularly that of the wild Turkey hunter and conservationist. JAKES Country is an educational publication of the nonprofit National Wild Turkey Federation, Inc., dedicated to involving youth in conversation, and passing on the North American hunting tradition.” Pays upon publication. Buys First NA Rights. Rarely accepts reprints, depends on impact of subject. Response time varies. Call for queries sent between May and June. Guidelines available by email.

Pays 30-40 cents per word. Departments 300-500 words with photos ($200-300). Features 750-1,200 words ($350-500) with photos.

Current Needs:

“Freelance queries related to issue themes listed in the contributor guidelines or impactful stories in the outdoors related to wild turkeys, hunting trends, wildlife legislation, research studies that affect sportsmen and women, hunting/calling tactics, interesting and innovative ideas or people related to the NWTF or wild turkeys. Youth stories for the JAKES Country magazine. Payment varies between $200 and $600 for departments and features with quality photos. Generally 30-40 cents per word. Departments 300-500 words with photos ($200-300). Features 750-1,200 words ($350-500) with photos.” Submit queries and writing samples by email.

Generally 30-40 cents per word. Departments 300-500 words with photos ($200-300). Features 750-1,200 words ($350-500) with photos.


“Quality photography and captions are needed to accompany stories.”


“Issue themes and queries are reviewed between May and July. Queries submitted at other times are tabled until next cycle unless they meet an immediate need. We are often in need of writers with journalism experience in the outdoors industry to handle in-house assignments.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes