Normal Deviation
Wonderbox Publishing, 47 Lon y Gamfa Menai Bridge
Anglesey United Kingdom LL59 5QJ
Website: http://normaldeviation.wonderboxpublishing.com
Guidelines: http://wonderboxpublishing.com/#submissions
Editor: Lyle Skains, Editor
Email address: normaldeviation@wonderboxpublishing.com
About The Publication:
“Normal Deviation is a short fiction anthology inspired by a throwaway tweet and one weird-ass picture. Visit our Call for Submissions (link below) to see the picture, then write a short story based on the image. Deadline for stories is 31 Aug 2017.” Annual (May). Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Usually responds within 1-2 weeks; decisions on manuscripts will be in Sept/Oct of each year. Guidelines online at .
Current Needs:
“Short stories based on the image posted on our call for submissions.” Pays £0.01/word. Maximum of 6000 words. Submit full manuscript and introduction/bio at http://submit.wonderboxpublishing.com. Please list your first two ideas on the top of your manuscript after your byline (see call for details). Files should be .doc, .docx, or .rtf. Use Standard Manuscript Formatting for the manuscript.”
Pays £0.01/word. Maximum of 6000 words
” Follow our blog to see what we’re interested in, and what our style is like.”
Welcomes New Writers: