Old Moon Quarterly
Website: https://www.oldmoonpublishing.com/
Guidelines: https://www.oldmoonpublishing.com/submissions
Editor: Julian Barona, Editor in Chief; Graham Thomas Wilcox, Assistant Editor; Caitlyn Emily Wilcox, Assistant Editor.
Email address: oldmoonpub@gmail.com
About The Publication:
“Old Moon Quarterly is a magazine of dark fantasy and weird sword-and-sorcery set in a historical-paranormal or secondary world setting, with a focus on well-rounded characters driving strange action.” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Usually publishes ms within two months of acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds in 4-10 weeks. Guidelines online.
Pays $0.08/word for short fiction, and $50 for poetry
Current Needs:
“Currently, we are looking for short fiction adhering to the above guidelines, 1000-6000 words in length. We’re particularly interested in works with a more elegiac or tragic tone, but that maintain the swift pacing and bloody action of the sword-and-sorcery genre. We’re also looking for poetry in the same vein, 50 lines or below.” Pays $0.08/word for short fiction, and $50 for poetry. “Send us your manuscript in .doc or .docx format. Provide us with a short cover letter in the body of the email that includes your preferred name, the name of your story, and the word count. One or two sentences should suffice. No other details are necessary.”
Pays $0.08/word for short fiction, and $50 for poetry
“One of our most common reasons for rejection is genre fit. We receive a lot of stories that are not dark fantasy, or weird sword-and-sorcery. Our tastes are particular, we understand, and we bear no ill will to anyone who sends us something that doesn’t fit. But we do want to pay authors, so for your own success, please read our guidelines. We have example stories listed in our submission guidelines that showcase our tastes. If still in doubt, read our previous issues. We always love to see work with beautiful prose; think Gene Wolfe, Tanith Lee, Michael Shea, or E.R. Eddison.”
Welcomes New Writers: