P.O. Box 105
Richmond MA 01254-0105
Phone: (413)441-9702
Website: https://www.upstreet-mag.org
Guidelines: https://www.upstreet-mag.org
Editor: Vivian Dorsel, Editor/Publisher; Joyce A Griffin, Fiction Editor; CMarie Fuhrman, Creative Nonfiction Editor; Frances Richey, Poetry Editor.
Email address: editor@upstreet-mag.org
About The Publication:
“Annual, 224pp, perfect bound; publishes the best fiction, CNF, and poetry available; features an author interview in each issue; currently in 16th year of publication.” Fiction and Creative Nonfiction almost 100% freelance; Poetry by invitation only. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication (July). Publishes ms six months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. Serial Rights. No reprints. Responds to queries within 3 days during publishing season; otherwise 6 months.
Does not encourage queries. Sample copy $10 by check. No subscriptions. Guidelines online.
Pays $50-$250.
Current Needs:
“High-quality fiction and creative nonfiction.” Pays $50-$250 per story/essay. Max length 5,000 words. Submit complete ms into upstreet’s Submission Manager via their website.
Pays $50-$250 for per story/essay.
“Read the guidelines; too many submitters don’t.”
Welcomes New Writers: