Ask The Expert

Can You Pay Writers Via Paypal?

I have reviewed your writer's guidelines and I want to write for you. I am not in the United States. Can you pay for articles using PayPal?…

Is This a Real Advertiser or Something That Might Hurt My Blog?

Is This a Real Advertiser or Something That Might Hurt My Blog?

I have another question for you regarding ads on blogs. I've been asked by an insurance company to place a monthly ad on my blog. I researched the product and I am okay with that. They want to put their hyperlink somewhere near my title, not on a side bar. I'm okay with that, too. My question is, what is a good monthly rate to ask for? …

Can I Use A Picture I Found Online?

I found some old photos on some websites. I want to use them in my book. From their aged appearance, it looks like they're in the public domain. Can I use them without permission? …

Am I About to Get Ripped Off? Yes!!

I can see giving up ownership to my work if I was getting paid, but giving up both ownership and pay? Is that wise? …

Marketing to Bookstores – A Lot of Work for Little (if any) Money!

I need to please ask you a question. I have started sending a copy of my book to some large bookstores out west. My first response was no, they wouldn't accept it because of my publisher's no returns policy. I'm afraid the other stores are going to say the same. …

How Much Should I Charge for My Writing Services?

I have just been offered a part-time job providing book reviews for a charitable organization's website. They asked me to pitch my fees but this will be my first professional gig and I don't know what to charge... …

WritersWeekly Has Blacklisted Another Publication That Charges Reading Fees

Could you be a bit too hasty to blacklist small publishers over fees? That most recent one was being overwhelmed by online submissions. The only work an 'author' had to do was hit send. The receiver had a lot of work to do to separate out the sewerage and sludge to even reach the slush. Couldn't the authors still send it in by snail mail the old fashioned way and NOT pay a fee? Additionally, university presses traditionally charge fees due to the low demand academic oriented work they publish. This cooperative/subsidy publishing is a long established norm in the university world and the only way such work would get published. It is not the traditional vanity press as the work is vetted. But you recently blacklisted a university publication for the fee issue. Now you are certainly free to blacklist anyone you want, I wonder if you are really doing it to help people more than you enjoy doing it... …

Can I Publish My Dead Friend’s Manuscript? No!

Can I Publish My Dead Friend’s Manuscript? No!

I have a manuscript, but am not the author. The author gave me the manuscript personally many years ago but without any written permission. His wish was just to somehow get it published. To make the matter worse, he was a resident of a foreign country and it was there he handed me the manuscript. He is now already deceased for several years. In this case, what should I do in order to prove that I am the rightful holder of the publishing rights, or at least some sort of representative? I do not expect to make any money off the book for myself. If there will be any income from it, it will be spent on worthy causes that the work's topic is closely related to. I would really appreciate your suggestions and/or recommendations. …

Repeat After Me. Do-Not-Pay-for-Book-Reviews!!!

Repeat After Me. Do-Not-Pay-for-Book-Reviews!!!

I would like to contact book review writers about reviewing one or more of my ebook titles. I am willing to pay a fee for honest reviews, positive or negative, that are posted in magazines, blogs, or other places, to call attention to my titles... …

Amazon’s “In Stock” And “Ships In 2-3 Weeks” Verbiage Is Not Always True!

Yesterday was a good day at Amazon for (my book). But, it is hard to see how many books they sell. Their stated numbers of books in stock is erratic, as is its correspondence to delayed but related sales rank. I have tried a few times to watch the books in stock but it fluctuates according to no apparent logic... …

Is This Self-Publishing Rumor True?

Is This Self-Publishing Rumor True?

This is straight from the horse's mouth! If you self publish you need to be able to market your book and you must sell one million books or your name is mud as far as writing for anyone ever again. I got this from someone who knows. Or thinks he knows! What have you heard about this?? Someone I know works for this writer and he told her this, that if you don't sell that big number of books you will never sell your work again! I don't know what to think about this, it sounds a little left field to me. Have you ever heard anything like this? …

Should I Pay a Fee to Submit to a Literary Journal? No!!

What is your view of publications that charge a fee just to submit work through their online submission portals? I notice many of the literary journals are now charging around $3 to submit, justifying that it's what it would cost for postage, administrative fees, and to help pay writers, like this quip from a lit journal: "We charge a $3 submission fee, which is the postage that would be needed for a submission. This helps keep us in business..." …

Can The Setting Of My Novel Be A Public Museum?

The setting for my novel is (a large museum in Washington, DC). I also reference (a large foundation). Everything else is per my imagination. Do you see any issues with using an actual public place or organization for a novel? …

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