I have just been offered a part-time job providing book reviews for a charitable organization’s website. They asked me to pitch my fees but this will be my first professional gig and I don’t know what to charge. I started doing some research, and stumbled upon your article on book reviewers and what they make (which was very helpful by the way). I was wondering if you would be willing to give me a suggestion as to what to charge. I will be reviewing all media: children’s picture books, middle grade books, YA books, adult, as well as film and television. Any advice you could provide would be wonderful.
Thanks in advance.
I recommend charging a different fee for each type of review. Less for children’s picture books, more for chapter books, even more for novels, and more than that for non-fiction for adults.
Your desired rate can vary widely based not only on your expertise and financial needs, but also on the region where you live.