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Help! I Can’t Find The Copyright Owner Of This Piece But I Need To Use It!

Help! I Can’t Find The Copyright Owner Of This Piece But I Need To Use It!

I want to write a book and it would feature an old story from a 1956 periodical. I have been trying to get a copyright permission to include this short story. However, the publisher was bought out a couple times. The new company put me on hold while they searched their records further, and told me that the "rightful owners" are a completely different firm in New York. I cannot find them on the Internet to contact them to get the needed copyright permission so that I can proceed with my book.…

Publisher Won’t Show Me Their Contract! Arrrggghhh!!!

Publisher Won’t Show Me Their Contract! Arrrggghhh!!!

I am very interested in using a particular POD publisher for my book. But, I can't find a link to their contract anywhere on their site. When I ask them for a copy, they just send more advertising mumbo jumbo. What should I do?…

Weird Spaces Between Words in MSWord? We Have An Easy Fix!

I'm using MSWord on a PC. Why are some of the spaces between words in my fully-justified manuscript uneven? There are normal spaces between most words, and weird, long spaces between others...on the same line of text! It doesn't make any sense. Can you help? …

How Can I Make Money Giving Away A Free E-Book On Amazon?

How Can I Make Money Giving Away A Free E-Book On Amazon?

Is it sensible for me to promote my latest book by giving away some free ebooks on the Kindle? How can I avoid pitfalls about poorly-formatted MOBI formatted ebooks (I've heard horror stories), and what costs should I expect for publishing my ebook, and for promoting it? …

How Do You Get Started Writing a Book?

I have wanted to become an author for more than 20 years. This dream has always taken a backseat to everything in my life. I would like to know if you can offer me any advice on getting started. …

Sending A Book To Large Institutions

What are your thoughts on sending a book to large institutions that I plan to pitch to? For example, I am going to pitch to colleges to include my book as recommended reading for psychology/sociology programs. …

Sending A Book To Large Institutions That I Plan To Pitch

What are your thoughts on sending a book to large institutions that I plan to pitch to? For example, I am going to pitch to colleges to include my book as recommended reading for psychology/sociology programs. …

Do I Need Permission To Quote Others In My Book?

Do I Need Permission To Quote Others In My Book?

If I reference a book and/or the authors of that book, do I have to get written permission from them? Is it enough just to list them in my reference section? …

Did That TV Show Steal My Idea? Probably Not…

Did That TV Show Steal My Idea? Probably Not…

I started writing a book on my computer about ten years ago, but never finished it because life has been very busy for me. Recently, I watched this new show that started last year that is exactly the same as far as storyline and characters. Could it be coincidence? …

What’s Your Opinion About Those Marketing Services with “Bestseller” in Their Name?

What’s Your Opinion About Those Marketing Services with “Bestseller” in Their Name?

What is your opinion of the (name removed) organization and their bestseller program. The fee is $20 and they will purchase (a few) copies for reviewers to evaluate my book and potentially increase my sales dramatically. I would like your opinion. I would have to provide a copy of my book for them to utilize and have an opportunity for someone to win a free copy. …

My Novel is Based on a True Story. Can I Be Sued?

My Novel is Based on a True Story. Can I Be Sued?

I want to publish my novel with BookLocker (it's my nature) about liability, as the novel is based on a true story. I've read your articles, as well as many others, about this issue, but am hesitant to proceed even after doing the obvious--changing characters' names, appearances, and facts, so they don't resemble the real people or exact events. Some of the principles of the true story are deceased, but at least one that I know of is still living. I think you mentioned that a lawyer should vet a novel, but I can't afford that. My question: Am I worrying needlessly? …

How Can You Help Me Find Writing Work?

My name is (removed). I have an interest in writing, especially the commentary/opinions/short stories variety. I have been told by a friend that your organization could be helpful in getting some of my installments published. Could you advise me how to proceed? …

How Do I Get Magazine Editors To Respond To Me?!

Over the last two months I've sent out close to fifty emails to different magazines, pitching ideas for articles and features and, to date, only three have responded. One declined my idea. Another said they would consider it late. A third said they already had something similar planned for their own in-house staff to write. I'm a good writer. I know my ideas have merit and are entertaining, topical and newsworthy. Yet, I feel like a complete non-entity when magazines can't even be bothered to reply to me. As heart breaking as it can be to be met with a 'no,' at least saying 'no' means that someone at least took the time to read your email and reply. Complete silence time after time after time is just soul destroying. Is there a way to address such problems? …

Should I Pay To Have My Book Reviewed?

I have one question that I hope you can answer. What is your feeling about spending personal funds on book reviews? …

A Magazine Editor Rewrote My Article, Inserted Mistakes, And Put My Name On It!

I recently received a copy of a magazine that contained one of my articles. It was unrecognizable. Parts of it were mine but it was overworked by the editor to such an extent that my voice was lost. Worse, she inserted errors! My name is on the article and it's awful. What can I do? They did pay me. …

Can I Publish My Late Father’s Stories? Maybe, Maybe Not…

I have a short story written by my late father. He was a talented writer and had many short stories he had written. I would like to submit one of his stories for publishing under my father's name. I didn't know if there would be any legal reason I would not be able to. …


I submitted my articles to (a well-known magazine) and, after repeatedly requesting payment, this is what they said: "I had a number of issues with your articles. They need a lot of editing and rewrites before they will be ready. And until I have time to do the editing work needed, I have to put a hold on these articles. I'm writing six articles at any given time for several magazines who are happy to pay me at 40 to 70 cents per word so I'm guessing this is just a sleaze move to not pay. What do you think? …

How Much Should I Charge For This Writing Project?

I hope you understand what I'm asking, basically what would be a fair price to charge a friend to write her book, when I know I will be writing it from her verbal accounts. …

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