Ask The Expert

“Where can I find a list of writing contests?”

“Where can I find a list of writing contests?”

Could you suggest books, websites, etc. that have real poetry contests? Not the type that publish your poem and then want you to pay $100 for a copy. Also, where can I find lists of magazines that pay you for poems?…

“Can I Use Somebody Else’s Photo/Artwork if I Flip it Horizontally?”

“Can I Use Somebody Else’s Photo/Artwork if I Flip it Horizontally?”

I am still working to get my illustrations for my book. Can you advise on something I was told by my illustrator? She told me that most photos copied from the Internet can be flipped horizontally to alleviate concerns of copyright infringement. For example if a mountain appears on the left side of the photograph, flip the photo so the mountain is on the right side. I also wonder if applying artistic effects to a photo (pencil sketch, smooth pastel, etc.) would eliminate concern of issues. I was given five websites for Royalty Free photos and images that are free of charge. Do you have any recommendations for me?…

Hmmm… Should I Sign Up for “Amazon Giveaway” to Promote My Book?

Hmmm… Should I Sign Up for “Amazon Giveaway” to Promote My Book?

According to a website: "Creating a book giveaway function does nothing but increase you and your book's visibilities. Meaning that it is very necessary. Amazon has created a book-giveaway-channel that would allow authors to create reading contests, and choose their winner(s)."…

How Much Should I Pay a Book Illustrator?

How Much Should I Pay a Book Illustrator?

Different illustrators charge different rates. The prices are all over the board. I definitely recommend having a work-for-hire contract so you'll own all rights to the artwork in your book - forever. You need to be able to use that artwork not only in the book, but also in marketing and, if the book takes off, you'll want to be able to use it when creating related products in the future as well. You don't want to have to pay additional fees each time you want to use artwork that you paid the illustrator to create. Of course, you may need to pay a bit more up front but it will be worth if you can use it freely in the future.…

“I’m too embarrassed to self-publish!” vs. “I’ll never sign another traditional publishing contract!”

“I’m too embarrassed to self-publish!” vs. “I’ll never sign another traditional publishing contract!”

Contrary to popular author assumptions, self-publishing no longer hurts your chances of landing a traditional contract. In fact, if you can prove impressive sales of your self-published book, your chances of landing a traditional contract are greatly increased. Fifty Shades of Grey is one example. It was a successful self-published book and look what happened after a traditional publisher discovered it!…

Another Example of Greed in the Publishing Industry! Editing Existing Book vs. New Edition?

Another Example of Greed in the Publishing Industry! Editing Existing Book vs. New Edition?

After a new book is released, most authors spend a lot of time promoting their new baby...initially anyway. (Yes, some authors get tired of promotion if they don't have a step-by-step guide to assist them.) In their promotional activities, they will usually include specific links to,, their publisher's website, etc. If an author publishes a new edition under a new ISBN, the book will receive all new links. So, those old links that the author posted on social media, in comments under news articles, and more will all lead to the old edition of the book.…

I Want to Write My Life Story…But Where Do I Start?!

I Want to Write My Life Story…But Where Do I Start?!

My father and uncle were involved in the 6 day war, and my uncle (a member of the PFLP) was sentenced to 125 years in prison. Long story there. We moved to the USA in 1978 and my father ran the home with an iron fist, became a gang member, and did all that comes along with that life style. He also went to prison for many years. I mean, there is so much to say. Please can you guide me?…

How Does Amazon REALLY Get Print on Demand Books to Their Customers?

How Does Amazon REALLY Get Print on Demand Books to Their Customers?

Let's say I go with BookLocker instead. Everybody I know buys their books (ebook or paperback) on Amazon. If the paperback listed on Amazon is not POD-created by the Amazon subsidiary, who fulfills the order? Who notifies the POD publisher to print a copy, and who ships the copy to the buyer?…

Help! I Need An Affordable Way To Promote My Book THAT WORKS!

Help! I Need An Affordable Way To Promote My Book THAT WORKS!

Traditional publishers do little to no promotion for unknown/new authors now. They take a gamble that a book may or may not take off and they run with the ones that do, while generally abandoning the ones that don't. Of course, the ones that do are the ones whose authors are promoting them creatively and consistently.…

How Can I Find A Literary Agent?!

How Can I Find A Literary Agent?!

To sell a book one needs -- an interesting, well edited book, a publisher, and an agent. How does one find an agent?…

How Do I Sell My Stories?!

How Do I Sell My Stories?!

My name is Nicole and I am a writer who is a bit confused about how to get my stories out there so people can buy them. Basically, what I'm saying is how would I make money off of the stories that I write? Some people advise me to go to writing websites to get an audience. It's a bit confusing. Could you help me please? I really hope to hear back!…

If You Write About Sex, Will It Sell?

If You Write About Sex, Will It Sell?

I know you are a busy lady, but since you are the professional in this field, I wondered what the best selling/most sought after books are? What length book and subject would be the best to write? I want to cater to the latest readers' interests if possible. Thanks for any suggestions. …

Have I Committed Copyright Infringement? Yes, You HAVE!

Have I Committed Copyright Infringement? Yes, You HAVE!

I'm very impressed of your article on how to create your own anthology. I have almost 250 articles posted online and, honestly, some of them I copied from books but I also include the author and its complete sources. I'm a fan of reading books and I don't have a talent in writing because I didn't earn a degree. My only question is, does my work compromise the law of copyright infringement or plagiarism? If so, can you explain why?…

Should I Sell All My Book’s Rights to This Publisher?

Should I Sell All My Book’s Rights to This Publisher?

There's a question I wanted to pose regarding current negotiations with my publisher. They offered a buyout of my copyright, and claimed the "industry standard" is: buyout = 3 x average yearly royalties. That seems low for a book that's been in publication for 20 years, and continues to sell 4-5 thousand copies a year, and will never become outdated. What do you know about this so-called buyout formula? Thanks!…

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