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About the Book
The Farm at the East Cove Hotel explores the lives of a marvelous collection of people who coalesce into a family of friends in the town of Mercy on the far north coast of California. Among these people are a nun, a painter, a postal clerk, performance artists, musicians, dancers, chefs, a master potter, a weightlifter, a nurse, a waiter, children, gardeners, farmers, a movie producer, a play producer, pub owners, and a baker. Humor, Love, Daring, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Improvisation, Trust, and Surrender are their signposts as these good souls wend their ways to the farm at the East Cove Hotel and find their places in the collective ferment.
Related Titles:
- Little Movies: tales of love and transformation
Little Movies: tales of love and transformation is a collection of fourteen short stories by Todd Walton. Each of these stories illuminates the transformative power of friendship, emotional honesty, trust, generosity, compassion, and love.
- Oasis Tales of the Conjuror: and other stories
How will humans survive in the wake of societal and environmental calamity caused by the imbalance between human desires and the earth’s capacity to sustain those desires? Oasis Tales of the Conjuror is a life-affirming response to this question.
- Why You Are Here: and other stories
Why You Are Here is a collection of fifteen contemporary short stories by Todd Walton set in the town of Mercy on the far north coast of California; stories of friendship, emotional honesty, generosity, compassion, and love.
- Good With Dogs and Cats: The Adventures of Healing Weintraub
Good With Dogs and Cats: The Adventures of Healing Weintraub is about a man who helps dogs and cats resolve their difficulties with humans. Mystery and romance abound in this tale brimming with insights into dogs and cats and people.
- Pooches and Kiddies: The Further Adventures of Healing Weintraub
Pooches and Kiddies is both the sequel to Good With Dogs and Cats and a stand-alone novel chronicling a momentous year in the life of Healing Weintraub and his colorful family and friends: human, canine, and feline.
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
About the Author
Todd Walton is the author of many books including: Inside Moves, Buddha in A Teacup, Under the Table Books, Little Movies, Good With Dogs and Cats, and Pooches and Kiddies. His many albums of original music include Lounge Act In Heaven, Mystery Inventions, Ahora Entras Tu, and Hip Salon.
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