Red Roxy Rules – by Dr. Alan Paris

Red Roxy Rules – by Dr. Alan Paris

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The futuristic space adventurer, Red Roxy, reveals exciting exploits and daunting dodges through vast volumes of time and space. Abandoned as a child wandering the deep tunnels of the distant mining planet, Miseria, the extraordinary youngster matures to jealously follow her sister, Veronika Futura, to Earth’s past. Searching for fulfillment in a new life, her dormant humanity emerges to fall in love—then is forced to fight villainous space pirates threatening her passionate existence. Doomed to die, or sure to succeed, the cosmos confuses, offering a most remarkable remedy.

A daring feat, the journey is fantastic. The audacious firebrand applies her unique lifestyle to hustle Earth’s reality, breaking the rules to enact her own. She stacks the odds in her favor like many young neophytes facing challenges to create fruitful futures.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Dr. Alan Paris, optometrist, musician, and published in journals is degreed in Chemistry, Integrated Bioscience and Optometry. His engaging Sci-Fi adventure features fantastic, imaginative tales of life, love and our deepest feelings. “Red Roxy Rules”, derived from the “The Filament Trilogy” series, features the powerful protagonist personalizing her battles of good verses evil.




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