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The early 18th century was a time of turmoil and change in America. England and France fought each other to establish American colonies and formed alliances with the great competing Iroquois and Algonquin confederations. European colonists staked claims to native lands. Native people resisted those claims. European diseases and technology changed the continent in ways few understood. Native American tribes engaged in near-constant conflict no one knew how to stop.
In this environment, the River People risked war with their ancient enemies, the Mingos, by granting protection to six travelers, Tamaqua, a Lenape warrior and his blood brother John, Tamaqua’s son, Boy, John’s wife Abigail, their two-year-old son, Benny and fourteen-year-old Tilly. In exchange for this protection, they expected the travelers to participate in village life.
John felt pressured to go on the winter-long beaver hunt, that had become the new core of the village economy.
Abigail and Tilly tried to settle into village life, making wampum and coping with Native anger toward Whites.
Tamaqua concentrated on recovering from his wounds.
Then, on the same night that children in the village became ill with Dutch Fever, Tamaqua’s Manitou appeared to him in a dream, telling him Abigail had knowledge that could save many lives.
The problem was, Abigail had no idea what she knew.
Meanwhile, people were dying.
One thing is sure, the long, hard winter would change them all in ways no one expected.
The River People, Book Three in the Bompeau Family Saga is the sequel to The Fourth Son, and Abigail’s Tale.
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
About the Author
Brien Brown is retired from a career teaching history and geography on the secondary and collegiate levels and from coaching wrestling. His hobbies include gardening and martial arts. A Taekwondo master instructor, he lives in Connecticut with his wife, Terry, and their German Shepherds, Cayenne and Ruger.
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