What the Storyteller Brings – Book I: Waters of Virtue Third Edition – by Robyn Y. Demby

What the Storyteller Brings – Book I: Waters of Virtue Third Edition – by Robyn Y. Demby

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Meet Rosaline, a young girl in high school who calls herself the storyteller. Every Tuesday, she and her friends meet in her room for girl talk. Then they move on to more exciting things like storytelling. In these stories, she uses her listeners as characters. To bring her closer to a guy she has a crush on at school, she also blends him into her tale of adventure. Anxious to find out what will happen next, her listeners keep coming back for more. It’s all just for fun at first, but what the girls thought would be a romantic story of Rosaline and Jimmy falling in love turns into a tangle of danger and confusion. The events of the story begin to control Rosaline’s words when the bad guy merges into real life and is after them. Now, Rosaline must get to him in her story before he gets to them in real life.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Robyn received her Bachelor’s Degree in Religion from The University of Mount Olive, North Carolina; and another Bachelor’s in Creative Writing from Virginia Wesleyan University. After retiring from the Air Force, she moved back to Virginia. She enjoys swimming, writing, and renovating her parents’ home where she was raised.


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