No Road for Cowards – by Jarvis King

No Road for Cowards – by Jarvis King

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About the Book

On the night of Matt Fleming’s 21st birthday, his friends take him to New Orleans to celebrate. An arranged party with a prostitute ends in drunken violence, and the prostitute is beaten, thrown from a balcony and left for dead. After many years of addiction and insanity, Matt finds sobriety in a faith-based treatment program, where he is called by God to travel the country to help other addicts and alcoholics discover freedom. Even though he is sober, the incident from his 21st birthday torments his conscience. Did the prostitute die? Will he one day be arrested and tried for murder? Should he turn himself in? Why is God silent about the terrible remorse he carries for the incident?

Matt’s travels eventually lead him back to New Orleans, where a special seek-and-save mission demonstrates that his heavenly father has been listening all along. However, this mission may prove to be his last.

Even though No Road for Cowards is a novel, it is filled with timeless truths about addiction, recovery, and redemption. It is a story of hope and restoration for those suffering from addiction as well as those who love them. Read it and be encouraged.

Related Titles:

  • PETAL: Revenge Is Never Free by Jarvis King
    In a small southern town, summer fun and boyhood antics are interrupted when an alcoholic father pimps his twelve-year-old daughter out for drugs. When the authorities are slow to act, two friends take vengeance on her abusive dad.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Jarvis King lives with his wife, Cindy, in rural Lincoln County, Mississippi. A carpenter and avid outdoorsman, Jarvis is the author of two additional books: Y’all Ain’t Gonna Believe This, a collection of humorous hunting stories, and a novel entitled, PETAL: Revenge Is Never Free.


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