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Volume 1 of All Me Blooming Life is an autobiographical account of a Cold War Naval Career. Captain Hyland, a third generation graduate of the Naval Academy, grew up in a Navy family and spent his active duty career as a nuclear submariner. He served six sea tours, three in SSBNs and three in SSNs. He commanded USS Abraham Lincoln (SSBN-602) from 1978 to 1981 and USS Sam Houston (SSN-609) from 1981 to 1983. Ashore his assignments included tours as an Olmsted Scholar, on the Navy and DOD staffs, and as Naval Attaché in Paris.
Volume 2 follows Captain Hyland’s 15-year career in nuclear nonproliferation after he retired from the Navy. In these years he worked in the Office of Energy Intelligence in the Department of Energy, the DCI Center for Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control, and the International Atomic Energy Agency as a member of the Action Team doing nuclear inspections in Iraq after the Gulf War.
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
Related Title
All Me Bloomin Life: Volume 2 – Life After the Navy, Recollections of a Nuclear Nonproliferation Career by John J. Hyland III
This book describes various aspects of nuclear nonproliferation, including post-Gulf War inspections in Iraq and implementation of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
About the Author
Captain Hyland is a retired naval officer. He served in six nuclear submarines and commanded USS Abraham Lincoln (SSBN-602) and USS Sam Houston (SSN-609).
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