After the Apocalypse: A Story of Pandemic Survival: Book One, The Old Man – by Chris Russell

After the Apocalypse: A Story of Pandemic Survival: Book One, The Old Man – by Chris Russell

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Available at Amazon, BarnesandNoble, BookLocker, and many other retailers around the globe!

About the Book

An ex-doctor who was expelled from his profession for being caught up in shady business dealings has been spending his days running and avoiding the world. Until one day he discovers he is one of the few survivors of a deadly plague that has decimated humanity. Now he must decide whether to continue to survive or to give up.

In his desperate struggle to find his way he is beset by the crazed and violent remnants of humanity. He befriends a service dog and they team up with a high-powered ex-malpractice lawyer from the city who has lost her family. Together they navigate the chaos of After the Apocalypse.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.


“When a world-wide pandemic kills ninety-five percent of humanity, the survivors aren’t those who stockpiled weapons or food. They are average people who just happened to have an immunity to the disease. People like Janet, an attorney who lost her husband and children to the sickness… or ‘The Old Man’, a former doctor who lost his license to practice… and even Bill the dog, their companion and protector. Chris Russell is a fresh new voice in the post-apocalyptic genre.”
– Jeff Brackett, author of Half Past Midnight

“I must say this was one of the best novels I’ve ever edited. Very well written, indeed. And something tells me that you are an experienced writer! The story is so unique and so well put, it was like watching a movie! My favorite character was Bill! I love his character so much, I’d hate to see anything happen to him. Also, KJ; I loved her killer instinct. I’ll not be surprised if I see a movie on this very book in the coming years; it has the potential!”
– Ayesha E. B. Editor

“Awesome.. you should be writing novels. I can’t stop listening to the story.”
– Richard G.

About the Author

Chris Russell is a science fiction devotee who writes from the suburbs of New England. He is particularly passionate about the Apocalyptic genre. He began writing “After the Apocalypse” as an audio podcast in 2020. It has since grown to tens of thousands of monthly listeners across five seasons of the story. In his spare time he spends hours running and ruminating in the forest trails with his border collie Ollie.


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