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Inauguration day was an unprecedented milestone for the Democratic underdog’s remarkable journey. It opened a window to reveal the indelible marks that Chuck Fox left for us to see. It would become an unprecedented 4-year term, healing a beleaguered State and its jaded constituents. Fox’s level of spirit, commitment, and unbridled temerity were what one could only hope to attain in a lifetime. Politicians come and go. They always promise the world. Not Chuck. He walked with distinction and steadfast resolve – he made a difference. On his quest in life, he touched many and was true to his word. I know that he touched me.
Fox’s master craft was team building. And he assembled an unprecedented and formidable posse, tumbling a detestable despot in Harrisburg. True to his word, Fox ensured that the despot was held to account for his deceitful treachery and that a nefarious New Jersey crime family crumbled.
Fox’s gubernatorial bid in a corrupted Commonwealth gave rise to consequences that none of us could have ever foreseen. This is his remarkable story.
Liam J. Finn
County Cork, Eire
My Old Sod
Robert Frost said:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
“The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation’s greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable, especially when that questioning is disinterested, for they determine whether we use power or power uses us.”
John F. Kennedy, Remarks at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, October 26, 1963
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
About the Authors
LEO A. MURRAY, ‘Dawg,’ is a former intrepid Investigative Reporter for several prominent northeastern Pennsylvania newsprints. He is the renowned author of the novel Blackballed, which was inked and premiered in 2011. Leo has extensive experience in political consulting and as an Investigator in the insurance industry. Leo’s a devout weapons enthusiast, 2nd Amendment advocate, and always has one chambered. He resides in Throop, a quiet, nondescript Borough in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. Always close to Agnes.
JAMES M. WALSH, ESQ., is a former Navy JAGC officer and a recipient of the American Bar Association’s coveted LAMP Award for excellence in military legal assistance practice. A rolling stone, J.M. has globetrotted most of his adult life. After the military, J.M. pursued commercial real estate development, leasing, and asset management. He resides in Catania, Sicily. He spent almost twenty years in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Luzerne, Erie & Lackawanna Counties. His handiwork as an editor and author is interspersed throughout this novel. Leo A. Murray fondly refers to J.M. as his collaborative, literary ‘Coach’ or ‘Lieutenant.’ A certified Dive Master, Agnes claims that he has gypsy in his heart and rabbit in his feet.
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