Guilty of No Wrongdoing – by Robbie L. Rogers

Guilty of No Wrongdoing – by Robbie L. Rogers

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About the Book

Lew Harris feels he is the only sane man still standing. Big brother is only waiting for a chance to pounce, Lew thought. We are on the verge of tremendous social change… sort of funny… if we could turn back the hands of time we would all be so busy trying to undo all our own mistakes we would not even notice the environment or anything like it. Sometimes I worry about my sanity after all every lunatic believes he is the only sane man left in the world.

This novel brings to life the struggles of one man in his efforts to change what he sees as wrongdoings in the Defense Department contractual efforts. Eventually he causes a mighty TRIAD to explode to the surface and chase him and his cohort Sarah Converse through a dangerous series of situations ending up with their testimony before a further corrupt Congressional hearings.

How can Lew and Sarah survive while continuously moving from one dangerous situation just in time. The problems they find themselves drawn into make it hard for their budding romance to work, but it does in spite of the conflict of their own differences.

Lew and Sarah are drawn deep into a world of intrigue unknowingly fighting against a subversive and unworthy agenda of a massive TRIAD. Secretly the world-wide TRIAD loosens a terrible offense against America by killing many of their political enemies and disrupting the life of both honest and corrupt people everywhere, especially in Washington D.C..

Many people besides Lew Harris and Sarah Converse have tried to change the severely corrupt governmental spending and the crooked groups that are drawn to the riches, like rats by the thousands dangerously walking the tight anchor rope to gain entrance into a massive cargo bay to gorge on the contents they smell from miles away.

Squarely placing the burden on ourselves, this exciting novel makes us realize we should do our best to create a more proper way of life because it effects many people around us, not just us.

Related Title

Keys For Living a Solid Successful Christian Life by Robbie L. Rogers
Within one’s self lies the whole world, if you know how to look and learn. The door of life appears and the key is waiting there; nobody can give you the key, or make the door open except you. Be true to yourself, open the door.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

Robbie L. Rogers’ career involved working within the Department of Defense contract field in many locations throughout the world requiring high level security clearances. As such he witnessed many areas that were right as well as many that were wrong. His novel is strictly fiction yet also based on historical data.



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