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Sasser grew up in poverty in a tin roofed shack in Oklahoma’s Cookson hills to travel the entire globe as a professional writer, photographer, adventurer. US Navy journalist, police officer, US Army Green Beret soldier, kick boxer, rodeo bronco rider, rodeo clown, and combat correspondent.
He has soloed the Atlantic and pacific oceans, dog sled to Greenland, Climbed Mount Kilimanjaro (tallest mountain in Africa). He has set a flight record across the U.S. in a powered parachute (From San Diego to Atlantic Ocean).
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
About the Author
Charles W. Sasser has been a full-time freelance writer/journalist/photographer since 1979. Sasser has taught history, creative writing, and criminal justice for nearly forty years. He was the director of criminal justice at American Christian College. He is a veteran of both the U.S. Army (Special Forces, Green Berets) and retired from the military after twenty- nine years of active and reserve service. He has published over twenty-five hundred magazine articles, short stories; and has over sixty published books to his name from which some have been made into movies. Sasser lives in Oklahoma with his wife Donna Sue.
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