Letters and Comments

How NOT to Waste Money & Time When Promoting your Book

Hi Angela, I just finished the article, How NOT to Waste Money & Time When Promoting your Book, by Marion Cuba and I had to shoot you a quick email. What an amazingly helpful piece! I thought writing my novel, Out of the Ordinary, was hard. Now, I'm realizing I need to promote it (if I expect anyone to read it, that is) and I'm a total novice in this area. There's so much to do, I don't know where to begin. The practical, real world tips in this article have saved me hours of pointless work, needless frustration and, oh yes, a whole lot of money. Thanks so much for, once again, sharing this type of quality info with all of us. This is just one more reasons we all love booklocker so much! Happy holidays! Susan Morgan Portfolio Author, Out of the Ordinary Blog

All Publishers Should Pay on Acceptance!

Angela, you are not only on the dot with the (Booklocker.com) monthly royalty checks, but regarding the article I wrote for your newsletter, you are off-the-charts on time, rapidamente! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marion Cuba Editor's Note: See Marion's article, How NOT to Waste Money & Time When Promoting your Book, in today's issue! …

Editors & Orphans

  • When Editors Assume...
  • Orphans International America Needs Writers to Pitch Articles About Them

Letters To The Editor For November 14th

  • Patricia Fry's Article
  • Looking for our Archive of Paying Markets?
  • Bookocker.com Author Sends Warm Fuzzies
  • You Never Know Where Exposure Might Come From!

Letters To The Editor For November 7th

  • The Tour of the Hoy House
  • "Vote For My Book!" Contests May Hurt Your Credibility...and Your Pocketbook
  • Great Halloween Idea From a Children's Book Author!

Letters To The Editor For October 17th

  • That Only Happens to Other People! - When Tragedy Affects a Writer's Livelihood
  • All Publishers Should Aspire to Be Like This!
  • How Should I Handle Fan Mail?

The WritersWeekly Drinking Game!

  • drink one shot if a publisher says she is shocked -- SHOCKED -- that anyone could ever accuse them of nonpayment
  • drink one shot if a publisher denies that she ever got an invoice
  • drink one shot if a publisher says she got the invoice, but the invoice was incorrect
  • drink one shot if a publisher says it's someone else's fault that writers weren't paid
Read further by following the link below :) …

Radio Interviews = Poor Book Sales for Authors?

Good morning: I'm not surprised so many of your correspondents, yourself included, report getting very few sales from doing radio interviews. Radio is a frequency medium--doing one five-minute interview (or even a whole hour) is like buying one commercial. It simply isn't going to work. Radio advertising works because it gets inside listeners' heads through repetition, so when they're at the point of making a purchase, they remember a place where they can make that purchase... …

How to Collect From a Deadbeat Company By Ben Paid

Dear Angela, While browsing through the latest issue of WritersWeekly, I saw the byline "Ben Paid" for the article about a freelancer attempting to get paid. The name made me laugh, and I assumed the writer was successful. I scrolled through the article and saw that the name was indeed the invention of a very creative mind! Kudos for that! I plan to read the article later later since I need to get back to another project. However, I wanted to thank the writer for making me laugh. I look forward to learning how Ben collected payment. I belong to the National Writers Union, and they've got a great grievance division to help membrs collect payment. I started the grievance process in July to collect payment owed in April. I received the payment last month! If I didn't belong to the union, I'd contact you. I know from reading Writers Weekly, that Angela lettersoften produce results. Thanks for all that you do! Sincerely, Liz Swain, San Diego …


Letters will return next week.…


Angela is WAY behind on her email. Letters will return next week. …

BAM: Book A Month

Hi Angela, I've been working on my books for some time. You notice I said it too, huh? "Books." Yes, I'm working on too many books. I have a short attention span, and so when an idea comes I delve right in. Recently, I decided I needed to bite the bullet and develop some sort of format to finish writing the book(s). I'd heard of using outlining and also using note cards to attempt to bring order to some disorder... …

Support Our Soldiers!

Hi Angela, I just wanted to say a big thank you for posting the link to support our soldiers. As the mother of a daughter with 13 years active duty I can not express how much our kids need to know they have support at home when they are deployed. Thank you, Sandra …

Letters To The Editor For August 1st

  • Publishing Success
  • POD Secrets Revealed: Inflated Shipping Charges?
  • Writing About Sad Things...
  • Don't Forget Our Soldiers!

Great Comments on Chaleen Duggan’s Hilarious Article!

Chaleen: That was a great article, and it's the truth. I realized it a long time ago, but I never really understood until I started musing on it myself a few weeks ago. It's a fact though: To make money as a freelance writer or artist or musician or whatever, you have to view yourself as a high priced prostitute. It's just a fact... …

Letters To The Editor For July 15th

  • Angela's Camera Is ALWAYS Close at Hand
  • Chay Sends a Funny...
  • Appendicitis Pain Isn't in the Same Place in All People!
  • WATCH THAT TONE! Learn To Speak The Language That Editors

Kudos from Author D. Steven Russell

Kudos from Author D. Steven Russell

You know me to be a big fan of "Maxisms" and a member of the silent fan club for BookLocker.com and WritersWeekly.com. I have sent an email here and there applauding this or that subject, but I wanted to share an appreciation. Your Feature Article: "Begin at the Beginning - Choosing the Right Sample Chapters for Agent Submissions" by Ally E. Peltier grabbed me as honest, real and gritty in its content. If this is not helpful to the novice writer, I can't imagine what is. I was also highly impressed by their website, its products, and its content. I realized today, though, after reading WritersWeekly for 10 months, that it is symptomatic of Booklocker's business excellence. I'm seeing more and more of this talent weaved into your company's fiber, and that's powerful. …

Writers Digest Rates… Hmmm…

Angela I was reading your column on freelance writing rates. When I saw Writer's Digest, it reminded me of a subscription offer I received from them not too long ago. I had quit subscribing about 2 years ago when their subscriptions had raised from around $21 to $23 per year. This subscription offer was for $19. While lower than the previous rates a couple of years ago, I then noticed the word "bi-monthly." Didn't they used to be monthly? This got me curious. So besides checking the current guidelines, I looked at their 2002 guidelines. I was correct. In 2002 they were monthly. Now they are bi-monthly. While I'm certain part of their reason--probabIy a majority--was increasing their income, it seems to me that by being bi-monthly and only dropping the subscription cost by around $3, they wound up still not giving a little of that "income raise" to their freelance writers. …

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