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Sasee Magazine

Sasee Magazine

“Women’s lifestyle monthly publication distributed free to readers along the northeastern coast of SC, and the southeastern coast of NC, plus a monthly digital issue.” Welcomes new writers. Pays 90 days after publication. Publishes ms about a month after acceptance. Buys first time rights, reverts back to writer upon publication. Occasionally accepts reprints. Responds in less than a week.

Pays $0.10/word.



“A bimonthly magazine on Russian culture, history, travel and life.” 70%-80% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays 30 days after publication. Publishes ms 1-6 months after acceptance. Buys either first serial, second serial or all rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within one month.

Pays $300 per article for 2000-4000 words.

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