diversify your writing income

Writing and Selling Books Ain’t for Sloths! – by Tom Douglas

Writing and Selling Books Ain’t for Sloths! – by Tom Douglas

Visions of sugarplums dance in the heads of novice writers. Hollywood has left them with the fantasy picture of authors being sent on lavish press tours where adoring fans line up at the signing table and where the writer is hounded by eager reporters…

The Kenyon Review

The Kenyon Review

“The mission of the Kenyon Review is to identify exceptionally talented emerging writers, especially from diverse communities, and publish their work (fiction, poetry, essays, interviews, reviews, etc.) alongside the many distinguished, established writers featured in its pages. Kenyon Review is also committed to the advancement of literary writing through education, seeking to improve the skills of young people and adults through intensive, high quality workshops.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 6-18 months after acceptance. Buys first rights, asks authors to credit Kenyon Review as first publication with reprints in other publications. No reprints. Responds within 6 months.

Pays flat rate of $50 for Online book reviews; $0.08 per published word for prose ($80-$450); $0.16 per published word for poetry ($40-$200).

Need Your Book Published By Christmas? You Only Have ONE Option Now…

Need Your Book Published By Christmas? You Only Have ONE Option Now…

There are only 51 days until Christmas. That’s 36 business days. Most full-service print on demand/publishing services firms take around 4-6 months to get a book to market. Some offer rush services but NONE of them offers a 2-week publishing program…except BookLocker…

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