diversify your writing income



“Technical firearms publication covering new product reviews of firearms and firearm accessories, firearms performance, and military small arms history. No hunting articles required.”100% freelance with a regular team of contributors. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 10K. Quarterly. Pays 2 weeks after publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys one-time rights. Accepts reprints. Responds quickly. Subscription $8 (AUD). Re: Writer’s Guidelines – “I send potential contributors guidelines if I think their material is worth taking further. The quality of photography is particularly important.”

Usually pays $80/published page.


“Christian reader for adults. Favors true first-person testimonials. Also considers fiction, how-to and as-told-to. Stories must be from a Christian point of view and must have something the reader can readily identify with. We do not accept Bible-based fiction.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 15K. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. “We evaluate completed manuscripts. Response time varies but should be less than eight weeks.

Pays $0.10/word for first rights; $0.07/word for reprints; $35-$60 for first rights poems and $42 for reprinted poems.

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