Are you interested in writing for education magazines and websites? These six markets accept articles or queries, and are valuable places to publish your work. They are interested in learning and teaching topics, covering everything from childhood to adult education.
1. TakeLessons – Pays $50
TakeLessons is a learning site that connects students who want to learn new skills with relevant teachers. The site’s content is a helpful resource of comprehensive guides and tutorials. Their mission is to help people learn new languages, play musical instruments, computer skills, academics, and performing arts. TakeLessons accept pitches for their blog from writers who want to share their expertise. They love articles, guides, and resources on tips, tricks, and learning hacks that their readers can use as tools to master their new skills. Pays $50.
Submission guidelines:
2. SchoolArts Magazine – Pays up to $100
SchoolArts is an art education magazine that promotes professional support, excellence, and advocacy for arts educators. Its content, which targets art teachers, covers classroom-tested teaching strategies and lesson plans. They are interested in articles from passionate, innovative experts/educators promoting their art programs. The submitted article should share successful lessons, areas of concern, and approaches to teaching art. SchoolArts pays up to $100 per article plus extra author benefits, and the word count should be 800 words or less.
Submission guidelines: https://www.davisart.com/schoolarts/write-for-schoolarts/
3. The Change Agent – Pays $50
The Change Agent is a digital magazine for adult educators and students that promote social action as an essential part of adult learning and teaching. It is published twice a year and features work by adult learners exploring different topics through classroom activities, student writing, opinion pieces, news articles, poems, cartoons, and graphics. The magazine is interested in specific and detailed articles from adult learners. To write for The Change Agent, check their guidelines for the “call for articles” announcement for more details about the current theme and deadline. The suggested article length is 200-800 words, and the pay is $50 per article.
Submission guidelines: https://changeagent.nelrc.org/write-for-us/
4. Practical Homeschooling Magazine – Pays $50
Practical Homeschooling magazine that aims to help home education families succeed. It offers readers ways to make homeschooling joyous, affordable, and successful. To write for Practical Homeschooling, send your article idea and expertise on the topic. However, it should be unique and related to homeschooling, and you should be an acknowledged expert on the subject. They are looking for practical articles that explain how to deal with a homeschooling challenge or how to venture forth into some new area of home education. Payment is $50 per article.
Submission guidelines: https://www.home-school.com/writers/
5. Living Education – Pays $50
Living Education is a free online journal by Oak Meadow that covers issues most relevant to homeschooling families. They accept submissions from homeschooling and homeschool-minded administrators, parents, educators, and students. Mainly, they are interested in articles that highlight unique and innovative paths that the home education journey can take. Living Education publishes two times a year and posts the theme of each edition on its submission guidelines page. Articles should not be more than 1,000 words, and the payment is $50 per article.
Submission guidelines: https://www.oakmeadow.com/living-education/#submissions
6. Women in Higher Education – Pays $150
As the name suggests, Women in Higher Education focuses on women in institutions of higher learning. Its mission is to encourage, enlighten, and empower readers with practical ideas and insights on becoming more effective in their careers and lives. They review pitches or queries on personal essays, research results, new programs, major research of interest, speeches, and unique insights on relevant topics. WIHE also accepts summaries of valuable books and interviews of women leaders in higher education. The final article length is 800-1,500 words, and the pay is $150 per article.
Submission guidelines: https://www.wihe.com/info/submission-guidelines/
- Educational Travel Writing: What Is It and How Can I Contribute? By Isabel Eva Bohrer
- Capitalizing On Education: Writing For Alumni Magazines By John K. Borchardt
- Six Paying Education Markets for Writers By Erika Dreifus
Karoki is a full-time freelance writer and loves sharing with other writers on ways to earn through writing.
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