welcomes new writers

Jack and Jill Magazine

Jack and Jill Magazine

“Jack and Jill is an award-winning magazine for children ages 6-12. It promotes the healthy educational and creative growth of children through interactive activities and articles. The pages are designed to spark a child’s curiosity in a wide range of topics through articles, games, and activities.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms several months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds in 3 months.

Pays $0.25/word.

Leading Edge

Leading Edge

“Leading Edge magazine publishes short stories, poetry, and essays that relate to science fiction, fantasy, and horror. We also contract for short-term blogs and art. The magazine was started in 1981 by a team of students from Brigham Young University and continues to be run by a team of dedicated volunteers. Leading Edge is a great place for both first-time and well-established authors.” Biannual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 4-5 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights, for six months. No reprints. Responds within one week.

Pays $10-$50.

The Iowa Review

The Iowa Review

“The Iowa Review’s mission is to provide an expertly curated, carefully edited, and beautifully designed print and online space for the voices of writers of every kind of diversity to move and enlighten us; to use the experience gained from fifty-plus years of continuous publication and our connection to the University of Iowa as a home for creative writing to validate, amplify, and encourage those voices; and to serve the reading public by presenting the best contemporary writing in short fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.” Welcomes new writers. Triannual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within a year of acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights. No reprints. Responds in 3-6 months. Guidelines online.

$1.50 per line for poetry and $0.08 per word for prose.

Freelance Field Engineer Jobs Portal

Freelance Field Engineer Jobs Portal

“Field Engineer is an online marketplace that connects companies with telecommunications work with the global field engineers who have the skills and availability to complete them. With more than 15,000 skilled field engineers in 147 countries, Field Engineer has already helped 45 service providers get jobs done.” Pays on acceptance.

Pays Rs.10 per word and Rs.1000 per 2000 words.

Faith Today Magazine

Faith Today Magazine

“Faith Today is the leading national magazine for Canada’s estimated four million evangelical Christians. It connects, informs and profiles Evangelicals, equipping them with expert research and insight into Canadian culture, Christian life and ministry. Since 1983, Faith Today has informed readers on a wide range of key issues, providing profiles, analysis, opinions, book and music reviews, and practical how-to articles. Faith Today is published by The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, the national association of Evangelicals in Canada and the Canadian regional member of the World Evangelical Alliance.” Pays on acceptance of finished text. Publishes ms 2-4 months after acceptance. Buys first N.A. print rights and non-exclusive perpetual website rights. Rarely accepts reprints. Responds within a month. Guidelines online.

Pays .15CAD – .25CAD / Word

Arts Midwest

Arts Midwest

“Arts Midwest believes that creativity has the power to inspire and unite humanity. Based in Minneapolis, we grow, gather, and invest in creative organizations and communities throughout the nine-state region of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, and beyond.” Buys all rights. No reprints. Sample articles available online. Guidelines available online.

Pays $500.

The Ashtray Blog

The Ashtray Blog

“The Ashtray Blog provides vaping and THR news, ecigarette guides, humour and special offers.” Welcomes new writers. Weekly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms in 1-4 weeks after acceptance. Buys online and hard copy rights. No reprints. Responds in 1-3 days. Sample blog posts available online. Guidelines online

Pays $50 + $5/photo.

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