American Bee Journal
51 South 2nd St
Hamilton IL 62341
Website: https://americanbeejournal.com
Guidelines: https://www.americanbeejournal.com/contact/writers-guidelines
Editor: Eugene Makovec, Editor
Email address: editor@americanbeejournal.com
About The Publication:
50% freelance. “We are a magazine for beekeepers, from hobbyist to commercial.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Usually publishes ms within 2-3 months of acceptance. Buys first N.A. serial rights, exclusive worldwide electronic rights for sixty days and nonexclusive permanent web rights. Occasionally accepts reprints from other beekeeping-related magazines. Responds within a week. Sample copies available on request by email to info@americanbeejournal.com. Subscription $29/year U.S., $47/year Canada, and $54/year international. Guidelines online
Pays $100/printed page, with a maximum of $500/article.
Current Needs:
“Most subscribers read us to become better beekeepers, so we’re always looking for improvements in beekeeping methods.” Pays around $100/printed page, with a maximum of $500/article. Articles range 2,000-3,000 words, depending on subject matter, and includes photos. Submit query by email, for out of the ordinary ideas, and electronic submissions in Microsoft Word. “Head the manuscript with the name and address of the author, word count and title. Standard format is 12 point, double-spaced. Use one space between sentences and indent paragraphs.”
$100/printed page, with a maximum of $500/article.
“Photos should be high-res JPG or TIFF, at least 300 ppi at the size intended to run. Cover photos should be vertical, 9×12″ at 300 ppi, and need to work with our cover art. We run a bee-on-a-flower cover about 3-4 times a year, but are really interested in unique photos of apiaries or beekeepers at work.” Pays $100/cover photo. Payment for photos within articles are included in the cost for the article.
“The biggest problem we see with submissions is poor copy editing. We realize that not everyone is an English major, but if you are not good with spelling and punctuation, please have someone edit it for you before sending it to us.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes