236 Bay State Road
Boston MA 02215
Website: https://agnionline.bu.edu
Guidelines: https://agnionline.bu.edu/submit
Email address: https://agnionline.bu.edu/submit
About The Publication:
“Known for publishing important new writers early in their careers” (PEN), AGNI discovers stories, poems, and essays that map our pressured interiority and respond in necessary ways to the bedeviled state of the world. Seven contributors have gone on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.” Welcomes new writers. Bi-annual. Pays on publication. Publishes 4-6 months after acceptance. Buys first worldwide rights. No reprints. Responds in 2-4 months. Guidelines online.
Pays $20/page for prose, $40/pages for poetry, with a max of $300.
Current Needs:
“Literary short stories, poems, and nonfiction, including think-pieces, memoir, personal essays, and lyric essays. We do not publish genre mystery, sci fi, or romance.” Pays $20/page for prose, $40/pages for poetry, with a max of $300. Submit complete manuscript by mail.
Pays $20/page for prose, $40/pages for poetry, with a max of $300
“We feature one artist per issue, on the cover and in an eight-page glossy feature. Submissions of art, only, can be made by emailing us through the Contact link on our website.” Pays $300 for the art feature.
“Please send the work you consider most true to you, most deeply your own, most infused with your sensibility.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes