Q –
I sued my publisher (Tate Publishing) for 5 counts of breach of contract, including stealing all the royalties, and won. I just learned from a friend that she ordered my book on Amazon and got it. I’m not sure who sold it, but when I contacted Amazon, they said they couldn’t stop sales of my book because the breach was between Tate and me, yet they profit from the sale. Is this correct?
A –
The fastest way to get Amazon to remove a book page is to file a copyright infringement complaint with them. You can do that RIGHT HERE.
Tate Publishing Execs Arrested (Finally!) for Embezzlement, Extortion & Racketeering
URGENT NOTE FOR AUTHORS OF FAILED TATE PUBLISHING – Your “Production Files” Might Have Problems!
Victim of defunct Tate Publishing doesn’t want to pay Tate’s (unfair) $50 for her production files. Can she just use the files they sent her for approval before the book was published?
BookLocker Has a Fantastic Offer for Victims of Defunct Tate Publishing (and other firms)! Move to BookLocker for as little as $78! (And, get your book back on the market in as little as 2 weeks.)
Tate Publishing closes Philippines office; Screws over employees there, too.
Negative reviews about Tate Publishing on Yelp
Quote: The fastest way to get Amazon to remove a book page is to file a copyright infringement complaint with them. You can do that RIGHT HERE.
Thanks for the link. Authors should keep in mind that Amazon is a huge corporation with particularly dysfunctional internal communications. Just because one head of the multi-headed hydra won’t listen to your complaint doesn’t meant that another won’t. You just have to find the right people to push.
Does anyone know lawyers living in Seattle? Given Amazon’s size, I suspect there’s a great career ahead for a law firm specializing in suing or threatening to sue the company. They could stay quite busy.
It’s a shame that the judicial system favors the large printing companies that tate owed and awards them millions of dollars when they have ready claimed the loss on taxes. And those of us who had our hard earned money stolen get nothing. That is disgusting.
I agree that the smaller customers shouldn’t be shafted but it’s my understanding that Xerox nor Lightning collected the judgments they obtained. I think the Tates spent the money already. Even their properties have since been foreclosed on so they weren’t making those payments, either. I think their authors can only hope (and STRONGLY petition the court!) for loooooong prison sentences. Hopefully, the justice system won’t let the authors down.
-Angela Hoy