BACK ON OUR SOAPBOX! REPEAT AFTER US: “Real Publicists and Literary Agents Do NOT Spam Authors!” by Angela Hoy and Brian Whiddon

Angela and Brian are once again fed up…and they have the snark to prove it!
Angela and Brian are once again fed up…and they have the snark to prove it!
“When should my wife publish her Christmas novel?”
I’d like to turn my informational posts (they’re like articles) into a book.
Easy-to-follow advice from a best selling author!
Spamming authors and name-dropping best sellers are just two red flags!
If you don’t want to read the entire court decision, don’t worry. I’ve broken it down for you.
These criminals seriously think we are all stupid.
You do NOT want to miss these!!!
“I’m sorry that I missed your sale last week. If I sign up at BookLocker today, can you still get my book on the market by Christmas?”
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